Cody's Law HB 149 2025 -medical for vaccine-injured- was filed in the FL House. Please help now to contact FL Senators to co-sponsor "from the Senate side." We have until Feb 28th 2025.
Recent Congressional report and letter from 14 Attorney Generals details abandonment of the vaccine-injured- and calls for investigation. Florida must set a precedent of compassion for the abandoned.
Below is my letter to the Florida Senators, urging them to sponsor Cody’s Law “from the senate side,” as no Florida senator has signed on yet, and we have a little more time, until the 28th of February 2025, to make that happen before Cody’s Law is “dead in the water.” Their public email addresses for contact are at the bottom of this article. Please email them individually and ask them to show compassion for the vaccine injured by passing this law.
In Florida, a bill requires a House representative and a senator to sponsor it and work together to pass it into law. House representatives are sponsoring Cody’s Law, and it is filed now. But we need to reach the heart of one Florida senator to sponsor Cody’s Law “on the senate side.”
If you are a lawmaker in any state reading this, please know that countless vaccine-injured citizens need your help, and I am encouraging you to get involved by reaching out to your colleagues in the Florida Senate. The vaccine-injured need immediate medical care.
I am also sending the below letter to the House Select Subcommittee on Covid-19, Congress, the DOJ, and the fourteen Attorney Generals who may not have seen the Congressional report or AG’s letter but certainly have not seen the individual receipts that the parents, the bereaved and the vaccine-injured have -that I have- on the lack of documentation of vaccine status and the lack of reporting vaccine-injury. Congress detailed the tip of the iceberg only. The receipts in the hands of the vaccine-injured and bereaved are staggering.
Here is my letter to the Florida senators to urge them to set a precedent of compassion for the injured:
Dear Florida Senators,
Good afternoon. I have been reaching out in emails and on your social media, and many other moms, dads, and advocates have also been reaching out to you to talk to you about the need for Cody’s Law to be passed in Florida. Some of you have heard us speak at the Legislative Delegation meetings across the state.
I am Cody's mom, and I wrote Cody's Law. If you look at the information sent, you will see that Cody is severely vaccine-injured after his Covid-19 vaccines, and he is fighting for his life.
The debate that these injuries occurred is no longer in question, but you do not have to take my word. Have you seen the Congressional report or the calls for an investigation by fourteen State Attorney Generals who are looking into the mistreatment of the vaccine injured and the lack of care, reporting, and documentation of these vaccine injuries?
I suspect many of the Florida Senators have not seen this information. As such, I am providing it here and urging Florida Senators to sponsor Cody’s Law from the “Senate side,” as no Florida senator has signed on yet, and we have one week from today to make that happen before Cody’s Law is “dead in the water.”
I hope you will review the information I have provided below. Lives are counting on your bravery to co-sponsor and support Cody’s law.
Not one program- not the CICP, VICP, or SSDI- provides immediate medical care and medical care programs for those fighting for their lives.
Cody's Law would ensure that those in urgent need receive prompt access to state disability and medical programs without the burden of lengthy disability determinations. Just the same as cancer patients in urgent need of life-saving drugs receive.
My son Cody is left fighting for his life as a multiple stroke victim beginning at age 21, left with a life-long incurable diagnosed autoimmune blood clotting disorder vaccine injury that has ravaged his lungs, his heart, all four limbs, and his brain.
His medical condition is unpredictable, as he can suffer blood clots even though he is fully anticoagulated. He needs an off-label immune medication called Rituxan that we cannot afford, which costs more than what many workers Cody’s age make in a year.
He is disabled, cannot work, and relies on my husband's insurance, but the added medical needs, bills, transportation to appointments, co-pays, and prescriptions are bankrupting us.
But we are not alone. Even though Cody is suffering greatly, this legislation is not just about one person; it's about setting a precedent for compassion and support in our state for those who have been harmed.
This email should illuminate the truth about the vaccine injuries, which have been kept in the dark for most of the pandemic.
“Cody's Law provides expedited medical care processing in the programs for which they are already awaiting lengthy claims processes.” H.H.
A point of clarification is needed on the proposed bill: The word "Medicare" was left out of the House filed bill. The version of the bill that includes the words “Medicare” and “Medicaid,” as it was initially intended, is attached below. This amendment is expected in the filed house bill.
Why pass Cody’s Law? Most may not know, but during the pandemic, testing for vaccine injury was not mandated in this global vaccine campaign. “Some may know that during the pandemic, testing for vaccine injury wasn't mandated in the global vaccine campaign. While $700 billion was spent on Covid-19 healthcare spending and programs, including testing, treatment, and mandatory reporting of Covid-19 infection during the Covid-19 pandemic, none of this money went towards medical center testing, treatment, or mandatory reporting of vaccine injuries.
Initially, I thought $42 billion covered testing, treatment, and mandatory reporting for Covid-19 infections. However, the Federal website Committee for a Responsible Budget shows $113 billion was actually used for these purposes. Of this, $13.6 billion funded the “Families First Act,” which waived diagnostic testing costs for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and private insurance. Then, the article titled “Congress approves $75 billion in additional COVID-19 relief for providers” outlines further spending for care providers of Covid-19 patients. Legislators should note the billions spent on Covid-19 infection-related testing, treatments, and mandates, while no funds were allocated for real-time testing, treatment, or mandatory reporting of vaccine injuries.
This discrepancy in the spending between covid-19 infected and covid-19 vaccine injured is unexplored in Congressional hearings. These vaccine-injury expenses are not included in federal budgets as they don’t exist. Still, this lack of mandated vaccine-injury reporting is evident when reading the H.R.748 - CARES Act 116th Congress (2019-2020) report Title VIII (Sec. 18115), which mandates Covid-19 test results to be reported to HHS. However, despite federal investment in vaccine development and distribution, there is no similar requirement or funding for vaccine injuries.
This unequal approach, favoring testing, care, and mandated reporting of Covid-19 infections over vaccine injuries, has been highlighted in my communications to legislators, Congress, and every state attorney general.
Congress has not addressed this crucial failure in this unequal approach towards the ill and injured during the pandemic, nor have they addressed the impact that this mandatory reporting of one aspect (covid-19 infection) and failed reporting on another aspect (covid-19 vaccine-injured) had on the formulation of vital vaccine and Covid-19 public policy.
Repeating for importance, Congress has not addressed how HHS, FEMA, FDA, CDC, NIH, NIAID, or any of the public health agencies failed to coordinate, and communicate the need mandate real-time testing, treatment, and mandate Covid-19 vaccine injuries specifically as their public health policies relied on the Covid-19 vaccine injury data and data that told them how many people were vaccine injured vs Covid-19 infected.
Congress addressed the lack of mandated vaccine injury testing, and they have acknowledged the marginalization, lack of reporting, and lack of care of the vaccine injured. Their reports also address the fact that the Biden administration overstated the virus.
However, the stark unequal approach and comparison between the manpower, care, funding, testing, treatment, and reporting for Covid-19 infection vs Covid-19 vaccine injury has never been addressed.
This stark unequal treatment provided billions in immediate medical relief for one class of injured citizens and not the other.
Congress addressed the lack of documentation and reporting of vaccine injuries several times in the past. This issue was again addressed in the October 2024 House Select Subcommittee on Coronavirus in their Congressional report (attached) when they pointed out the continued and severe failures in the VAERS vaccine adverse event reporting system.
This issue was also addressed in June 2023 when Rachelle Walenski testified in Congress, as can be seen on this “X” post including the C-Span video where Walenski is shown in the House chambers stating the following:
“In her final Congressional testimony in June 2023, outgoing CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted, "At a national level, we have never been able to get hospitalization, vaccination, and COVID [data]... We did not get data in aggregate on vaccination and hospitalizations. All that data that you are filling out in the EHR does not translate into public health data." Rochelle Walenski [1]
The point of including this information on the lack of reporting vaccine status is that per Congressional reports and hearings (as well as the findings of the fourteen State Attorney Generals seen below), the Covid-19 vaccine-injured were “abandoned” (my word). Mistreatment and marginalization are words used in Congressional reports and Attorney General letters to HHS that describe how the Covid-19 vaccine injured suffered; other officials express “regrets” for failing the vaccine-injured.
However, due to these “failures”, the number of injuries cannot be known as they were not routinely and mandatorily tested for. The vaccine status reporting in hospitals and medical centers was also shown to be a failure.
This lack of reporting and failure to collect public health data resulted in a lack of translation of vital vaccine-injury data to the medical community; in turn, the vaccine injuries were not believed, and the vaccine injured were marginalized.
The U.S. government did not address their needs over the past four years, as is seen in the Congressional reports that detail the failures of the very programs that should have helped them after falling ill when taking Covid-19 vaccines.
The vaccine injured have suffered a lack of compensation, medical care, and even the testing needed to document the frequency of injury was mishandled during the pandemic (per congress).
The end result brought about the abandonment of the vaccine injured. As such, these officials talk about “revamping” the compensation programs or creating new ones. This idea adds more cruelty and pain to these abandoned and marginalized, sick and injured Americans who cannot be made to wait another two or three more years for help if they are placed in yet another "compensation" program that makes them again await through years of red tape.
Every official and program failed to address the fact that they need medical care now. Cody's Law provides for expedited medical care processing in the programs for which they are already awaiting lengthy claims processes.
I will help in any way needed in all matters needed to help Cody's law to be enacted into Florida Law.
To help document the need for Cody's Law, I've included the nine-page report written by the fourteen US Attorney Generals. Also, as these issues were addressed in the October 2024 Select Subcommittee Congressional Report on Covid-19, I have attached the first page of this report so you can easily find it. If you need the Congressional report section on Covid-19 vaccines, I will send it to you. These findings show why Cody's Law needs to be enacted into Florida law as rapidly as possible.
Also attached is a letter from Cody's new primary care physician, who has done extensive lab testing and work-ups on Cody recently and treats many patients injured by the Covid-19 vaccines. In her letter, she describes the severity of Cody's case. She also expresses her concerns about the vaccine-injured and the need to pass Cody's Law so that they can survive with medical care and disability income.
Please do not hesitate to ask if you need any other documentation or information. Thank you for your service to our state.
Thank you for your attention to this matter and for your help and time.
Heather Hudson,
Cody’s mom
Cody’s Law Florida HB 149
1. X Post on Rachelle Walenski and the lack of data or documentation of vaccine status (vaccine- injuries) from The Chief Nerd:
The nine-page letter on the failed CICP program and mistreatment of the vaccine injured by the fourteen Attorney Generals:
The first page of the Congressional report :
-The three pages of Cody’s Law are just below:
Here are many of the Florida Senators’ email addressesand x accounts:
Lori Berman: | [no X account found]
Jason Brodeur: | @jasonbrodeur
Coleen Burton: | @ColleenLBurton
Jay Collins: | @JayCollinsFL
Tracie Davis: | @traciedavisjax
Erin Grall: | @ErinGrall
Gayle Harrell: | @Gayle_Harrell
Ileana Garcia: | @IleanaGarciaUSA
Ed Hooper: | @Sen_Hooper
Thomas Leek: | @leek_tj
Stan McClain: | @SenatorMcClain
Rosalind Osgood: | @SenatorOsgood
Kathleen Passidomo: | @Kathleen4SWFL
Jason Pizzo: | @senpizzo
Barbara Sharief: | @Barbarasharief
Corey Simon: | @csime90
Jay Trumbull: | @jaytrumbull
Tom Wright: | @SenTomWright
Clay Yarborough: | @Clay_Yarborough
Governor DeSantis
Please also ask Governor DeSantis and Casey DeSantis to support Cody’s Law:
Governor DeSantis: | @GovRonDeSantis @CaseyDeSantis
Heather - I emailed your senators today. I used the list you included in our text thread.
Fervent prayers my friend.