Covid-19 infection VS Covid-19 vaccine injury by State
Did you know that the CARES ACT and the pandemic protocols provided $Billions for COVID-19 infection testing & treatment but did not provide for or enforce Covid-19 vaccine injury testing?
State comparison of Care for COVID-19 infection vs COVID-19 vaccine injury. Take the quiz and then help the injured who were abandoned.
Q. Which state do you live in? A. Florida
Q. Did Florida take any of the $42 Billion (Billion with a B) CARES ACT money allocated for testing and treating COVID-19 infection alone? A. YES
Q. Did the state develop similar protocols to provide testing and medical care for the COVID-19 vaccine injured in your state? A. NO
Q. Without coordinated testing in place and enforced and mandatory reporting enforced for a condition like COVID-19 vaccine injury, can it be reported as rare? A. NO
Q. Without knowing how many vaccine injuries resulted from the COVID-19 vaccines, could they ever have known they were safe? NO
Q. Has your state helped the severely vaccine-injured with laws to provide immediate medical coverage and care like is afforded to COVID-19 patients and Cancer Patients? A. NO
Q. Did a Florida mother write a LAW to help get this care to the injured? A. YES.
(see below for details and one last question for you to answer in the comments)
Please sign the petition at
We will also work to bring this law into all 50 states
Any state or country can sign the petition
It took two people to hold Cody up to vote, and he is not the only one.
FLCCC: In defense of the vaccine Injured Cody’s Law.
Am I watching my son die while politicians in his own state ignore his case?
Get Involved:
Leave me a message below if you want to make flyers, help with events, or sponsor a banner or billboard.
Last question: Should there be grand jury hearings and congressional hearings on the stark difference between the allocations of funds for COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 infection testing and treatment vs. a lack of funds, enforced testing, treatment protocols, and reporting for COVID-19 vaccine injury? Please answer in the comments, as this will be up to us to push for transparency and accountability!
Speaking of Florida, that smiley surgeon general Ladapo acted like he was going to stop the shots and still hasn't.
Why did a mom have to get a law while Ladapo did fkall?
Answer: a thousand times YES!