As a mother, I dropped to my knees reading that Covid-19 school mandates were abolished! My beloved son Cody is fighting for his life since October 2021, after taking his mRNA shots to go to college.
My viral "X" post is republished by CHD & shared by Doctors & Humanitarians worldwide. It is time for Cody's Law to catapult into the national spotlight! Every State's PUBLIC OUTCRY is needed NOW!
My viral "X" post is republished by CHD & shared by Doctors & Humanitarians worldwide. It is time for Cody's Law to be catapulted into the national spotlight! YOUR PUBLIC OUTCRY is needed from every state to help the vaccine-injured get medical care! We have until February 28th to bring a Florida Senate co-sponsor.
The below-quoted section contains my “X” post, and just below is the Call to Action. Below this quote are posts and videos from world-renowned doctors and humanitarians supporting Cody’s Law and urging everyone to use their voice to help Cody’s Law get passed in Florida. Any state can write. The public email addresses are below.
February 14th, 2025. “My beloved son Cody has been fighting for his life since October 2021, eight weeks after taking his mRNA vaccines, to go to college. My husband knew right away when Cody was hospitalized with a massive pulmonary embolism, leaky heart valves, and left ventricular hypertrophy and that he had a suspected stroke (later confirmed) that his Covid-19 mRNA vaccines caused the now peer-reviewed and published case of his insidious blood clotting disorder that has ravaged his brain, lungs, all four limbs, and body, a disorder he was left with after his vaccines and is now left with for life and may take his life.
Since October 2021, we have been working to save other children from his fate. My God... please, parents, never let this happen again. We asked Cody not to get his vaccines, but he was told that I, his mother, would die if he brought Covid-19 home to me as I have an autoimmune disorder. He was directly lied to, and all those who took these vaccines were lied to.”
While I realize the schools that mandate mRNA covid-19 shots are de-funded, the headline I read and quote tweeted read “abolished.” I want to focus on a HUGE win that we can all accomplish together…
Getting Cody’s Law passed first in Florida and then in other states!
To help break the cycle of abuse of the vaccine-injured who were abandoned by all medical programs and marginalized by society, left for dead and left disabled, Please write the below senators today asking them to co-sponsor and support Cody's Law.
Cody’s Law is the first law in the country to provide severely vaccine-injured citizens urgent medical care at the time of injury, just like it is done for cancer patients through Medicare and Medicaid and just like it is done for Covid-19 infected through Medicare and Medicaid.
Cody’s law is filed by Florida representatives but needs a Florida Senator to co-sponsor the law to make it into the legislative process. We have Nine days as of this writing (until February 28th) for a Florida Co-sponsor to “carry” this bill. Please write them and ask them to sponsor Cody’s Law. We need public outcry from every state in the Nation!
Please also ask Governor DeSantis to support Cody’s Law:
@GovRonDeSantis on X
This should have been done 4 years ago!
We need each of you to write. Please see the world-renowned voices asking you to use your voice to help Cody’s Law.
stopped what he was doing on January 2025 at the World Council for Health ( ) event in the Villages, Florida to listen to me and learn about Cody’s Law. I gave him a big hug! He told me how much he cares. He didn’t have to because it could be seen in his eyes. This means so much to a family like mine that has been so “battered, and my Cody is fighting so hard to beat this! Dr. Kory’s support of Cody’s Law and the vaccine injured can be found here: Marik, Dr. Joel Walskog & Brianne Dressen’s support of Cody’s Law can be seen in the video below and here:
Dr. Malone and his wife listened to me for almost two hours and reviewed the information I brought on Cody’s case after the above presentation during the FLCCC Ocala Florida Covid Conference in October 2024. They could have been enjoying their dinner guests, dinner, and dessert, but their generous hearts gave me their love and attention to help save the lives of the vaccine-injured. Dr. Malone’s
support of Cody and Cody’s Law and the vaccine injured can be seen here:
Margaret Anna Alice’s
support and tireless efforts to help the vaccine injured and to promote support and public outcry for Cody’s Law to be passed into law can be seen here lamentvaxxinjured.comand here:
Please also see the Children’s Health Defense article by the fierce humanitarian Brenda Baletti in which she generously includes my viral X post on the defunding of the schools who mandate the mRNA Covid-19 vaccines: “ Breaking: Trump to Strip Federal Funding From Schools That Mandate COVID Vaccines”
Cody and Tucker Carlson:
Cody’s phone call from Robert Kennedy Jr. took place while the now HHS Secretary Kennedy was in the midst of his campaign launch party. He heard that Cody was in the hospital with four DVTs, although he was fully anticoagulated. Cody went on to have four strokes after this video, and he lost more mobility. Cody’s voice was distorted so much so that his phone voice prompts could not recognize him, his face drooped, and he had to teach himself to read again after this. His doctors do not know how Cody is still alive:
I also want to thank: Doctor Kimberly Biss,
, , , Dr. Villa, Michelle Utter, @SilncedSurvivor (on X), , @AnnForti (on X), Dr. Lynn Finn, Dr. Kat Lindley, Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, , , Dr. Shoemaker, Dr. Joel Walskog, @BrianneDressen (x), Dr. Janci Lindsay, Kevin McKernan, , @iambrookjackson (X) - Brook Jackson, Stop Collage Mandates, , No College Mandates, Children’s Health Defense, Nurse Nicole Florida, Nurses Out Loud, Stand for Health Freedom, Dr. Brinkley, Citizen Free Press, Former Feds Group, , Kristen Cosgrove, Victor’s mom, Ernest Ramirez, Dr. Poppy Daniels, @drewoutstanding infield (X), Adam Rowland, Dr. James Thorp, , , , , Booker Scott, I Heart Radio, Daniel Horowitz, @Surf’sBri (on X) Tristas’ parents, Nick Caturano, , @Justice4 Sean (Dan Hartman), , , , , Dr. Augusto Roux, , The CCCA in Canada, John Watt & Alex Mitchell in the UK, Mama Bears Canada (Jeff Childers), and so many more who have reached out in kindness to Cody and stood-up for the vaccine injured, many have supported Cody’s Law.Please join them and help Cody’s Law get passed in Florida. Also, please support any laws or legal actions that repeal the PREP Act and the 1986 Vaccine Act, which prevents vaccine-injured from taking their cases and claims to state courts where the manufacturers would be held responsible for injuries like Cody’s and countless others like him.
Please support Cody’s Law and write to the Florida senators and Governor Ron Desantis using the email addresses below. Your help is needed now.
There is not a word strong enough to describe what has been done to Cody. Not only did they lie to him but they make him directly responsible for his mother's death if he brings Covid -19 home to her so they convince him to take the injection to save her life. This goes beyond cunning or blackmail it is a despicable act, the people directly involved in this should be arrested and face charges of aggravated assault. Their weapon of choice was to inject him with this toxic substance, Cody was manipulated in the most cruel and appalling way.
Please be careful and avoid doctors and clinics. The mRNA and graphene oxide and all the other components are now in ALL injectables. Including dental anesthesia and even INSULIN. They are doing everything they can to connect humanity to the Internet of Bodies Beast System. You can never trust the medical system again. May God help us all. Please keep praying.