Newly Published Pre-Print Details the Evidence of How Their Son Died Suddenly after His COVID-19 Vaccine
– Building The Road to Justice – Victor’s Story
When their son died suddenly after his COVID-19 vaccine, his grieving parents began building the Road to Justice by obtaining detailed analysis – even flying his tissues overseas— to gain answers. His newly accepted pre-print provides studies and reference material that describe gaps in cardiac adverse event diagnosis and reporting after COVID-19 vaccines. It also details his tragic case of myocarditis, pericarditis, and fatal aortic dissection following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. This story details the incredible journey to find these answers.

On May 6th, 2021, this vibrant, intelligent, active 34-year-old young man died suddenly, 16 days after his COVID-19 vaccination. Soon after, his devastated family began navigating the uncharted territory of collecting the evidence needed to find justice for Victor.
This week, on January 28th, 2024, his case report, which includes the heartbreaking medical findings, including the details of his collapse in front of EMS services, was accepted as a preprint and was made available to the public. This is the remarkable story of how the international efforts of several professionals and two determined mothers --who met through the connection of their son’s mRNA vaccine tragedies-- would not let this young man’s death remain an unsolved medical case.
This is also the story of how even though his death forever shattered and destroyed his parents' lives and the lives of his family members, they showed incredible resolve as they vowed that they would not let another family suffer their nightmare. The road to finding justice for their son would show how the American public has not been exposed to the whole story of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination. Without all incidences of COVID-19 adverse events recognized, diagnosed, and reported, conclusions on rate, frequency, and risk-benefit ratios cannot be known.
Our pre-print describes that cases like Victor’s, which detail his asymptomatic myocarditis -- which was a factor in his sudden death-- may not be rare and that even deadly cardiac manifestations of the COVID-19 vaccines may be lost to reporting by public health agencies as a “standard method of reporting myocarditis and cardiac adverse events, incidence rate, and follow-up findings does not exist,” but failures/gaps do exist and these gaps are often pointed out in the referenced medical journal articles on COVID-19 vaccine cardiac and myocarditis adverse events.
The findings in the research in his case study show that cardiac damage and anomalies after COVID-19 vaccines are likely more common than are reported, as the criteria can exclude even serious myocarditis cases from research studies. Aside from a lack of uniform reporting, flaws exist in the processing of the data that informed the risk-to-benefit ratio; this information was the basis of what Victor and others used to make their decision for vaccination. In other words, there could be no informed consent without accurate data.
Of importance, according to the CDC, their reports have been “drawn from” both V-safe and VAERS.” However, V-safe is limited as it only monitors patients for six weeks (unless a serious event is reported); events that take place after six weeks won’t be included in V-safe. Also, as late as December 2022, Moderna’s FDA guidelines for providers did not include mandatory myocarditis reporting, and it was only in December 2022 that Pfizer included mandatory myocarditis reporting. In fact, in 2022, Rochelle Walensky, the 2021 to 2023 CDC director, indicated that the CDC did not analyze certain types of adverse event reports in 2021, despite the agency previously saying it started analyzing reports starting in February 2021.
Very simply, we should ask if all the instances of injury and myocarditis after vaccination are not documented, how can we know if they are rare or common? How were the recipients of these vaccines afforded informed consent when these gaps exist in the data that public health officials utilize to make their risk-benefit ratio calculations?
Hetty says that had the CDC reported the signals and informed the public, Victor would be alive today.
When Victor died, he was in another state across the country from his parents. He was working in high-level management at a Fortune 500 company, and according to his family, he took the COVID-19 mRNA shot as he wanted to “do right” by others. He traveled and visited his family often, and he was concerned for his elderly grandparents and believed he would help protect them from COVID-19 infection by taking the shot.
He had only his first dose of mRNA vaccine and had only a headache a few days after. Then, on the 15th day after his shot, he and his girlfriend were celebrating as she had been given a promotion. That night, they made a video that showed the happy couple laughing and dancing while holding each other before they went out to dinner. They discussed their future, their wedding, and the children they dreamed of having together. They were beautiful, young, in love, and celebrating.
When they came home from dinner, Victor began suffering what he thought were digestive issues, and sometime after one in the morning, he experienced chest pain, jaw numbness, and a racing heartbeat. He called 911, got dressed, and woke his girlfriend to tell her he was going to the hospital to get checked out, saying he would text her, but he never returned home. He left his building to meet EMS, and when they arrived, he was “oriented,” alert, and speaking to them about his symptoms. His girlfriend then came down from their apartment to join them, and as he introduced her to the EMS responders, he collapsed. Soon, he was rushed to the hospital, which is detailed in our preprint of his case study. He died within an hour of arriving at the hospital as the staff worked feverishly to save his life.
In the hospital, the standard testing for troponin levels, which is said to alert to cardiac damage, was performed, but our paper details how this testing is known to be an unreliable biomarker of myocarditis. In fact, even though Victor’s case was severe, his troponin levels were not raised, and the hospital did not investigate myocarditis. There are other biomarkers and sensitive imaging that can be used to test for myocarditis, as is explained in our pre-print by the physicians.
After Victor passed, the hospital asked if he had taken the COVID-19 vaccine. They suspected that Victor had a pulmonary embolism. Soon after, an autopsy was performed, and the medical examiner diagnosed him with “acute aortic dissection. ” [According to the Mayo Clinic, “An aortic dissection is a serious condition in which a tear occurs in the inner layer of the body's main artery (aorta).”]
However, histological analysis of Victor’s tissues was not done at the time of the autopsy. [According to Stat Pearls Healthcare education company, histological analysis (or histology) is the “microscopic study of tissues and organs through sectioning, staining, and examining those sections under a microscope.”]
Knowing that his death at such a young age did not make sense, his family knew that Victor’s tissues, serum, and fluids prepared and stored by the medical examiner would be important to use in further detailed analysis that they would pursue.
They also had genetic testing done, which ruled out genetic disease in his case. Both the hospital COVID-19 swab tests and toxicology tests were also negative. He was also found to lack any evidence of genetically linked connective tissue disorders, confirmed by his postmortem testing. Then, through extensive efforts, they had a thorough serum cytokine analysis done --at a top university-- which showed that Victor had a severe hyperinflammatory event with evidence of damage to his heart muscles.
In their quest for more answers, Victor’s parents reported his death to VAERS and the CDC. These efforts were documented and detailed by the Children’s Health Defense Network- Defender article on Victor in April 2022. They also wrote to specialists around the country for answers.
His family says that as the results came in, they continually pointed to COVID-19 vaccine as the catalyst in Victor’s death. However, what they did not have was testing of his cardiac and aortic tissues, as they were finding that this was more difficult to obtain than the other testing. Victor’s parents sought concrete proof of the injury to his heart and aortic tissue.
For deaths after COVID-19 vaccination, a paved road with directions to obtain these answers does not exist. This is why his parents say they gathered these “materials” (reports from cytokine and genetic testing) needed to make the “bricks” that eventually would be laid out one by one to construct a road to help find answers in Victor’s death. They say that their efforts have also been carried out to provide directions for other parents to follow to help them find answers to their own children’s deaths after COVID-19 vaccine.
Victor’s parents began to speak out and seek out other families who had experienced injury or the death of loved ones after COVID-19 vaccine. Brianne Dressen, with React-19, began helping them to connect with doctors and families who could help them bring Victor’s story to others who could possibly provide answers to Victor’s family. Julia Marks, RN, who is a nurse advocate with React-19 along with Hetty, helped to implement the React-19 Bereaved Support Website with Brianne Dressen and Elizabeth Brown.
Julia encouraged both of Victor’s parents to go to a Mississippi Against Mandates event in which physicians such as Dr. McCullough, Dr. Witcher, Dr. Thorp, Dr. Reni Moon, and Dr. Janci Lindsay spoke on the dangers of the COVID-19 vaccines, along with Julia, Hetty, and others who had been adversely affected by the shots. Many of the doctors connected with Victor’s parents and became supportive throughout the family’s journey for truth.
Julia also invited Hetty to participate in my Zoom presentation on the LNPs in early 2022. That day, Julia connected us, Victor’s mom- Hetty, with me, Heddy, Cody’s mom --as we both had sons affected by their COVID-19 vaccines. We clicked and began working together. Victor’s dad and Cody’s dad often provided articles, information, feedback, and support for our work as well. But it was us moms who soon became known as Hetty and Heddy, who would stop at nothing to get the research done. In this work, our families bonded, and we have accomplished more for our sons than others believed was possible.
When I met Hetty, I was speaking with Dr. Cole about the possibility of staining/testing for Polyethylene Glycol PEG (which is done in lab animals) to attempt to show where the lipid nanoparticles LNPs had traveled in the tissues of vaccine-injured individuals and to look for damaged tissues in those areas. Other doctors who were interested in this work also helped me by asking their medical communities to seek a pathology lab that could conduct this testing.
Hetty asked me to explain the importance of my seeking out these tissue studies in relation to Victor’s case as she wants the readers to understand that the lipids used in cancer patients pre-pandemic provided data on adverse events that were not provided to the COVID-19 vaccine consumers. Both pre-pandemic and post-COVID-19 vaccine studies (found in the blue links below) inform us that the current COVID-19 lipid reactions resemble pre-pandemic lipid reactions that have been known for over 20 years, long before the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to note that these reactions are unpredictable; they can be mild, severe, or fatal, and they can elicit complement-activated immune dysregulation, autoimmune disorders, and adverse events beyond allergy. Animal studies show they can potentially induce Cardiac and cardiopulmonary adverse events as well.
In fact, this 2022 study from Semmelweis University focused on HSRs [Hypersensitivity reactions] to the Comirnaty/Pfizer vaccine, as it consists of PEGylated LNPs that resemble PEGylated liposomes used in medicine before the pandemic. They state that “lessons” learned from nanomedicine research suggest that nanoparticles injected into the blood can cause “infusion reactions” whose symptoms are very similar or the same as those reported HSRs [Hypersensitivity Reactions] to LNP-mRNA vaccines...”
These findings would become relevant information as Victor suffered a severe hypersensitivity reaction (which contributed to his death, as described in his case study), and Hetty wanted to learn more to find answers in Victor’s case.
We didn’t know it then, but at that time, when I was speaking to Dr. Cole about testing for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine lipids in tissues, Hetty had also been talking to Dr. Cole’s team about tissue staining in Victor’s case - looking for spike protein in Victor’s tissues. Soon, Hetty and I were introduced by Dr. Cole to his lab coordinator. This impressive, intelligent, and down-to-earth young man was a medical college student whose college would not accept his exemption from COVID-19 vaccine. He was made to leave his last year of medical school, and he ended up working in a position where he was able and kind enough to work with both Victor’s mom and me as we joined efforts to attempt to get Victor’s tissues tested for both spike protein and PEG (LNP). These are both groundbreaking tests.
Everyone made calls to seek a pathologist to help Victor’s family. But from coast to coast, we could not find a pathologist in the US who was doing this work to look for spike protein, PEG, and potential evidence of inflammation in tissues that may have been damaged after COVID-19 vaccination.
We knew that Dr. Burkhardt in Germany was staining and testing for spike in human tissues in his pathology lab. With more help from Dr. Tess Lawrie’s team in the UK, we were connected with him. Dr. Cole’s lab coordinator and Dr. Balbona then helped with the medical language to ask Dr. Burkhardt if he would help with this testing/staining of Victor’s tissues. However, shortly after we began communications with Dr. Burkhardt, sadly, he passed away. People all over the world mourned his death. This was heartbreaking on so many levels. Dr. Burkhardt was helping many families in his work, and he was kind enough to consider helping a mother in the US to find answers to her son’s death.
At this time, Victor’s family hadn’t yet learned that there was evidence of myo and pericarditis in Victor’s heart tissue. There were still many unanswered questions.
Then Dr. Cole’s lab coordinator learned of another pathologist outside of the US who may be doing this work. Finally, Victor’s family found someone who would look at his tissues. Hetty and her husband worked to send Victor’s tissues on their journey outside of the country, hoping they would arrive safely in the hands of this brave pathologist who was doing work that almost no one in the U.S. would do.
In learning about Victor’s story through his family, I learned that Victor loved to travel, visiting 30 countries in his short 34 years of life. So, when his tissues made their way overseas, his mom, Hetty, and I smiled on an otherwise tough day, and we talked about how Victor was able to travel overseas even after his death. The team who helped in the US waited to hear news or progress. When the tissues arrived safely, the important tissue staining began, and even though this was progress, it was still met with sadness as it should not have been this hard for this family to find help. However, Victor’s family could be proud of how much work they did to build the path to find answers for their son’s death.
In the meantime, Hetty and I met in person for the first time in Florida at an event for bereaved parents and COVID-19 vaccine injured and their families. We finally got to hug and spend time in person. We shared stories and met others who needed help or who could help our families. Victor’s story was heard by the physicians who attended as his mom, Hetty, gave a heartbreaking account of the life and death of the tremendous young man who was taken from them. A video documentary from that event was made.
Finally, in mid-September 2023, in addition to genetic testing and serum analysis by a top researcher, Victor’s tissue was now histologically analyzed, and the family received the news and report about a month and a half after the Florida event. Victor’s family now learned from the histopathology findings that he had spike protein in the aorta, which damaged his endothelial cells, tearing the aorta. They also learned that he had pericarditis and myocarditis, which showed inflammatory and eosinophilic infiltrates that align with the “acute inflammation” confirmed by the cytokine serum analysis summary. Victor’s findings were also negative for SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid, meaning that he did not have a natural COVID-19 infection.
With each piece of the medical documentation in order, Dr. Balbona began researching, going over the extensive details, reports, and history to also allow Victor’s family to have their answers brought into the public eye via his medical case study in which Dr. Janci Lindsay and I helped to complete with Dr. B.
This is the moment this family has waited for in order to learn the answers as to what took this beloved son, grandson, and brother from them so young. These answers were not just important for the family to learn but they are important for the medical community.
One of the most important things that I learned about Victor is that he lived to serve others, and his mom says it is clear that even in Death, Victor continues to serve others. His medical case study is now teaching the medical community that raised troponin levels aren’t necessarily the best or only means of detecting myocarditis, and his medical case also shows that even severe cases of myocarditis can go undetected by the hospital and medical examiner, and without this data, there are gaps in the statistics.
As is said in his medical case study, “Without the findings gathered in his further immunohisto-pathology, myo, and pericarditis, in this case, these findings would not have been documented, and his complete diagnosis would not have been learned. It should be said that in cases of fatality after recent COVID-19 vaccinations, without autopsy and histopathological examinations, a complete patient diagnosis and accurate reporting of the true incidence of vaccine-linked fatal injury, including cardiac events, may not be known.”
Something that others should know is that our public health officials should be doing this work, and it has taken flying this young man’s tissues overseas to get answers; it has taken the help of doctors around the globe and the determination of two mothers (who connected in their need to understand what happened to their sons after taking their COVID-19 vaccines) to bring Victor’s family the answers that the CDC and our public health agencies should have given them.
When I worked on my part of Victor’s medical case study, Hetty and I were on the phone often, and during this time, Cody was hospitalized on and off with life-threatening emergencies from his COVID-19 vaccine-linked blood clotting disorder. Hetty could hear him suffer in the background as we worked, and she would say to me, “Do everything you can to save him, and we will help you. We don’t want you to go through what we have.” She inspires me to appreciate every moment I have with him.
Victor’s parents suffered so unfairly, yet they have been a support to our family, and it is for this reason that I have done all that I can to help them. Two mothers of two young men --Victor, a young man who died after COVID-19 vaccination, and Cody, a young man who is struggling for his life after his COVID-19 vaccine-- worked together in hopes of bringing the details and the medical facts of Victor’s devastating death to the medical community. Hetty and I worked through the night and on our weekends to bring Victor’s case study and these important findings to the public, no matter the obstacles.
Victor died suddenly, and his parent’s hearts were broken to pieces. They are shattered. Nothing can ever bring their firstborn son back. Yet, thanks to the absolute resolve of the parents, extensive documentation was done that tells of the horrific untold truth of myocarditis and vaccine injury reporting after COVID-19 “vaccines.”
Please also see Victor’s mom tell his story in her own words in this powerful video. She is a lion of a mother, driven by her overwhelming love for her son, and she leaves us with these closing words on Victor’s case,
“His death has forever shattered and destroyed my life and that of my family.
Victor’s vaccine was the pathway to his sudden death, and the road to Victor’s justice has been and will continue to be a long and winding one. His story needs to be told and his case studied in order to save lives. His medical Case Study is presented herein.
I, his mother, along with his father, will continue to build the road so that those who proclaimed the vaccine "safe and effective" are held legally accountable for the death of my beloved son. The FDA, CDC, et al. knew from the clinical trial data, as early as December 2020, and in February, shortly after the vaccine rollout, along with previous years of research, that the vaccine was dangerous and should never have been unleashed on an unsuspecting public. Had they stopped the vaccine with any of these safety signals/alerts, Victor and countless others would still be alive.
Victor’s death was unquestionably avoidable; he was denied the right to informed consent when the known dangers were hidden and obfuscated. Had my son known the truth about the vaccine, he would be here today for us to hug and hold once again.”
Heddy and Hetty
The writer is not a doctor, and even though guest writers may be medical professionals, the information in this document and this publication is not a substitution for personal or individual medical care, treatment, medical advice, or diagnosis. Always contact your own medical care provider for individual care and consultation. This document does not diagnose medical conditions, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Any information contained in this document, related links, or attachments is not a substitute for seeking adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from your own medical doctor.
Very sad.
Autopsy findings are consistent with Endotoxin Induced Myocarditis and other effects of the toxin
What a powerful article, and I am amazed at the tenacity displayed by all in pursuit of answers (and justice) for these victims of the Covid vaccine. I hope the pre-print survives!