The drug-safety advocate, mother of 💉injured son & the doctor - Exposing Big Pharma
Dr. Balbona, Kim Witczak and I unite with Sonia Elijah to speak on #BigPharma's influence, the dangers of the lipid nanoparticles in 💉 & how "the normal practice of medicine has been violated.

This vital video clip highlights the unfathomable practices within the prescription drug industry. Amazingly, our video has over 34K plus views on Twitter now; we are saving lives! Kim Witczak is my dear friend. Sonia Elijah is brave and brings intelligence and depth to her journalistic and broadcasting work. Dr. Balbona’s determination for his patients and his work to expose the truth in medicine bring power into this conversation.
For more information on my work to expose the failures and unthinkable government and drug company failures and actions during the pandemic, please see my deep dive article “The Billion Dollar Baby,” which exposes the drug industry/medical complex and the gaslighting of the people in bringing toxic ingredients to the public through the Emergency Use Act. Components of the drug will go into the next generation of injectable medicines, even for children.
Please also do not miss Kim Witczak’s website to see her nearly 20-year stand against these questionable practices. She bravely exposes the lies and inner workings of the pharma drug complex.
I will soon post video clips of Dr. B’s media appearances and his other work (writing) that sheds more light onto these significant medical complex failures and add them to my substack.
The world is listening. The Mama Bear & the Widow: Pharma drugs took so much from us. We are not standing for it! As of The last weeks of December 2022, we now know that Governor Ron De Santis is working to expose these truths and to seek a stop to the shots. Kim and I are working together to bring our experiences and knowledge to help as well.
Dr. Balbona is helping to bring information to the Grand Jury efforts as well as he works daily to help those injured by the “vaccines.”
Governor De Santis office reached out to Cody and me last week, and we participated in his historic roundtable announcing the Grand Jury investigation into the Covid-19 shots. We provided Cody’s information and my research to his office, among other efforts that we are putting our hearts into. We are working to coordinate medical findings, doctors, and shot-injured (no longer calling them vaccines) cases to help bring evidence, medical findings, and data to this effort. We now have a focused leader in Governor De Santis for bringing about the coming petition in these efforts (discussed soon and to begin circulation this last week of December 2022). We will post a Substack to help circulate it (amongst other vast distribution efforts with the immense number of volunteer organizations worldwide).
My son Cody, (who Dr. B speaks of and who I speak of in the full-length video (linked above)), now works with college groups to stop the shots and speaks publicly. We are both helping in the preparations for the Florida Grand Jury petition, and we both help small organizations that speak the truth and help the injured - many need funding for things as simple as paper and ink. The immediate link below is for our funding platform to help so that we can work on these efforts and to get Cody to events as well as to help with his staggering medical debt, his current bills, and college expenses while working to recover from his injury and after missing a year of life. Your donations in these efforts are appreciated.
Cody before his vaccine injury
I try to tell people not to call the jab a vaccine, it is not a vaccine it is a experimental gene therapy pushed on the people through a phony emergency fear tactic. I wish the population would wake up to that fact.