I spent my whole life thinking that vaccines were a benign tool, it was our choice to use them or not to. This slow build up to have them be the entity that must not be spoken against or else we will be censored and shunned has been shocking. I wish I had been more vigilant, it has become twisted beyond recognition, it went from choosing to have a vaccine if you felt you needed self protection to now being ordered to take it into your body if you want to protect a society - a sacrifice to a mythical remote false idea not forced by religious priests this time but now by a group of people we call "scientists". During Covid the lives of the young have been sacrificed in so many ways. Cody's terrible injuries from this injection is a clear example of how as a society we have critically injured our young and fed them false information. He trusted the information he was being given, many others have done the same, every single institution was shouting the same false information at exactly the same time in order to lure our young into taking these awful products. They were coerced by threatening them with no education and no freedom to move about and the most evil was to have a substance injected to protect someone else. Then every single institution has turned their backs resolutely silent and always looking in the other direction so they do not witness the destruction of too many of our young people. I am so sorry Cody.

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I was fired from my job of 15 years for speaking out about vaccines and other covid related policies. Once I was fired, I stopped hearing from most of the “friends” I used to work with. I was shunned.

It has taken time to grieve the loss.

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I'm so sorry. It is such a sharp pain when we are told (and falsely made to believe) "we don't belong" in this insidious way. You did not deserve this.

My son Cody lost every one of his friends and his job for having a vaccine injury. We lost multiple family members, and we were not outspoken at the time, we simply described the facts of his injury.

Thank you for standing up. One of my articles in the near future will contain documents from the vaccine makers and industry that show they could not determine the efficacy of the vaccines.

They did all of this to the world for nothing. I feel you, and I see you. Thank you for reaching out.

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I look forward to reading it.

My mom was also a victim.

On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.

I was her full-time caregiver.

Beginning June 11, 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience,and how her spirit refused to be broken.

I am currently in the process of editing and rewriting, on Substack.


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“They did all of this to the world for nothing” is so true. See Engler and Jessica Hockett’s work on substack.


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Heather - you included one my favorite quotes:

“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends”. MLK, Jr.


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I first must say how very sorry I am about Cody’s injury. I am just livid, but in answer to your question about grooming, it is positively “YES!” Big Harma honed their skills on doctors for decades like pedophiles groom children, and you see the result. It won’t stop until we make it stop. Prayers for Cody’s recovery and for you to enlighten many with your story. Never give up.

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I agree with the spirit of this post. However, we do not have a constitutional right in the United States to say whatever we want on a privately owned social media platform. The social media platform has the constitutional right to be free of coercive pressure by the government to censor legal speech. I think the Murthy versus Missouri case currently being considered by the Supreme Court is going to hinge on a single point. It is obvious that great pressure was brought to bear on the social media companies to censor legal speech. However, unless executives from the social media companies testify that their censorship decisions were made due to this coercion rather than taking the government demands under advisement and ultimately voluntarily making their own decision, I suspect the Supreme Court is going to rule in the government's favor.

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I don't want any vaccines but I don't think that makes me an anti vaxxer. It is a marketing term. I am very frustrated as everywhere I go I hear about injuries from the COVID transfection, but it is very hushed, and it feels exactly as you describe like a dirty secret. I can't understand why people are not speaking louder about their stories. Today I was at a meeting and I was saying we need to be writing this down. Someone there said there was no point because it doesn't prove anything. But it is the only way I see that we will ever get started on proving something. And now they are building factories to make this stuff.

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This is the first time I’ve read you. I feel you. You come from a place of deep pain and frustration. Something bad happening to our children is the worst that life has to offer. I am vaccine injured from the first and only pfizer shot. However, I’m old which is nothing compared to the harms of our young people. The terrifying nightmare of this experience is compounded by the silence, no acknowledgment, denial and the appearance of the so called safety of these shots. Safe and effective follow the science was pumped out ad nauseam. The propaganda started even before I got my shot, April 8/21. They were churning out weaponized terms like anti vaxxer, anti science, conspiracy theorists to ensure you were brainwashed sufficiently enough to turn against people who were actually speaking the truth, or declined the shot. The censorship on social media was cruel. There was/is no help all we had was each other. The smearing of the good reputations of scientists, doctors and even judges. It was all very well orchestrated.

I live in a state of constant anxiety. I fear for my granddaughter whose mother was pregnant when she got the shot and nursed. Kevin McKernan genomics guy , has discovered the contaminated plasmid DNA and SV40 encapsulated in the LNP’s in breast milk, and it crosses the placenta. The government’s abject failure to deal with the shots steep fall from grace. The conspicuous absence of main stream media investigating the most important issue of our time. So many of us are perplexed as to what powerful entity is directing this show? For me it keeps coming back to big pharma and the investors. The insidious power, wealth and influence of big pharma is frightening. They are so rich they fund our overseeing health agencies, the medical journals, PR firms, the media and even the trolls on social media. I first observed that something just didn’t seem right when every country was spewing the same narrative. Something was/is at the helm.

Dr. Nancy Olivieri in Toronto has been fighting big pharma and sham clinical trials for decades. She’s a brave woman and won the John Maddox prize for courageously advancing public discourse with sound science with integrity in 2023. Go up against pharma and they’ll sic the dogs on you. They’ll stop at nothing. I really don’t know how to go up against Goliath. How many people have died or have been severally disabled? It’s problematic that so many are willing to be paid off. How do we combat this? Why would Reagan pass the prep act in 1986 giving pharma even more power?

I speak to as many people as possible about what is going on but sadly there isn’t a lot of interest. I feel so impotent and antsy to do something.

A mother’s anthem. When I get the notice I will become a paid subscriber. I get you on a deep level.

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Hello! I have a fairly large substack publication. I saw a tweet you put out about your son's condition. I wanted to let you know that one of my colleagues is a rheumatologist who's looked into this and found APS has a very high correlation to the COVID vaccine when he tests for it. I wrote more about it here: https://www.midwesterndoctor.com/p/how-did-we-know-that-the-covid-19

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Great article hun. Yes, they are grooming them from a young age and up. We have to be adamant and protective over our kids. I hope you and Cody are doing well. Sending my love always!

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Im so sorry for your son’s injury. I pray he heals and speaks a powerful testimony. I begged, pleaded and tried to warn from the start. An hour on Pfizer and Modernas websites in 2020 sealed my already previous mistrust and exit from my personal research and kid vax horrors. Few listened. Saw harms early ‘21. First published 8/22. Sold in 15 nations. Tried to warn, still do: https://www.amazon.com/Vaccine-Injuries-Lies-Deaths-Resources-ebook/dp/B0BYMMW3QM/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=qVMKe&content-id=amzn1.sym.3eb85563-172a-4bc7-99b0-3514bee66f34&pf_rd_p=3eb85563-172a-4bc7-99b0-3514bee66f34&pf_rd_r=N9M202704BXJ8N8TK3QP&pd_rd_wg=PH586&pd_rd_r=2e666093-441c-4ada-8b05-7959a94afba3&ref_=pd_gwm_rtpb

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