Congress, the CDC, the FDA, and the HHS have left the vaccine injured in similar legal circumstances to Guantanamo detainees, dehumanized, no rights, no redress, and more. U.S. citizens are abandoned.
A raw, pointed, emotional journal documenting the slow decline of my son, left with terminal illness after his COVID-19 vaccine -and his abandonment by our government. He is one of countless others.

This is a raw, pointed, emotional journal documenting the slow decline of my son (who has a diagnosed terminal autoimmune blood clotting disorder and has suffered pulmonary embolism, clotting in all four limbs, his brain, and has suffered many strokes after his COVID-19 vaccine) and his abandonment by our government, including the abandonment of his constitutional rights, written to my son and to awaken the reader. If this can happen to my son, it can happen to yours.
The question I will ask the reader now (and again at the end of this journal) is the following: “Is it OK that Cody takes a shot that he was asked to take by his government, and then when he falls ill, he is abandoned by his government, receives no medical care, and has no due process as the government gave the vaccine manufacturers immunity via the PREP act?”
Isn’t this part of the reason why many Americans (and other nations) demanded the release of the Guantanamo prisoners? Wasn’t it in question whether the detainees were denied habeas corpus or due process? Where are the Human Rights attorneys for our US citizens?
March 26th, 2024
Dear Cody @scarletletterv,
Last week, as I stood at your side in the hospital, the professionals told me that you are fading away. No, they don’t say it in plain terms; they said things such as, “This will be a recurring issue,” “He is lucky to still be able to talk,” “Mom, you have to be prepared as he loses more of his functions,” etc. Does a mother need to be told this? Mothers know when it is serious. Mothers always know.
What about Dad, last night, at your side in the emergency room when he had to hear the percentage of people that die from your condition? What about you? Lately, the past six months seem almost unbearable, yet somehow, we draw on the good moments and look for strength.
For me, when I hear this talk from physicians and medical staff, I immediately think “You don’t know my kid!” Whether you rally and rebound is always the question in my mind; it is the hope and the dream that I cling to, and I distance myself from taking in the idea that you will lose more of your abilities. It is nearly impossible to find the balance between reality and possibility.
Son, no matter what, we have to hold onto hope. All we can do (the two of us, the three of us, including Dad) is stand up for others in our moments of strength. All we can hope for is to find good moments in a sea of brokenness. All we can pray for is that there will be a welcome change—and not another setback—in the tide of your slow journey towards the unknown.
It occurred to me that I can do more to bring awareness as I watch you and hold you through this unfathomable journey. I realize that if just one parent who isn’t aware of what can happen to their child -if their child were to take a vaccine- reads this, they will learn that their child can not only potentially become ill but that there is literally no assistance from the manufacturers and the government if their child does suffer illness from a vaccine, even in cases of a terminal illness.
It then occurred to me that most parents won’t recognize that my son is —that you (Cody) are— being dehumanized and that your rights are being violated, in the same way that humanitarian and human rights groups have alleged has taken place in the cases of the Guantanamo detainees. Most people won’t stop to think that countless human rights groups have stood up for the Guantanamo detainees for the same denial of rights that you are facing, and they have done this even though the detainees are not US citizens.
But you and the countless other vaccine injured are US citizens, and for you and the other injured citizens, there are no civil rights groups or humanitarian aid groups standing up for you as you suffer. Why not?
We (your parents) have no way to financially obtain all of your medication and medical care as we come to the end of the line and have run out of options; still, there is no help.
At the end of this journal, I explore the laws and findings of the Supreme Court on these issues, but first, the world should know your suffering and your plight as you fight for your life so they understand the beloved human lives impacted by these issues. My hope is that when they learn about you, they will also consider that they would never want their loved ones to suffer what you have and that they would consider what they would do to protect their loved ones and others from suffering as you (and countless others are currently suffering).
In short, the world should know the young man who is told he may die because he did what his government asked of him, keeping in mind that what is happening to you, my son, can happen to their sons.
About two and a half years ago…
I began this fight for you, my brave child, as you fought for your life, age 21, hospitalized, gasping for breath after your COVID vaccine, days away from dying. Through sheer willpower, you made it to age 22; you had your “birthday” in the hospital, struggling with all of your being to achieve the best outcome possible. You were in agony, telling yourself that if you could live ten seconds, you could live ten seconds more.
Blood draw after blood draw, new medication, and the side effects coming on like waves, blurred vision, nausea, and sudden, new-onset food allergies, attempting to stay upright as they gave you sedatives, on top of a life-threatening illness.
Last month, when we went back over some of these early details, the attorneys once again called your case “The Big Kahuna,” this is because you have antibodies to the vaccine that were not present before the vaccine; the antibodies fought your own body, leaving you with an insidious autoimmune disorder called antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which is a life-long, life-threatening blood clotting disorder. You have the most severe form of APS.
Just like myocarditis, APS and autoimmune disorders are known to take place after vaccines. This is important to keep in mind, the COVID vaccines will have adverse events just as other vaccines do. This is a medical and scientific fact, not a conspiracy.
After your shot in 2021, you developed a massive pulmonary embolism (PE), and your heart was strained. It could not take the pressure, and you had leaky heart valves. You were left with this lifelong autoimmune blood clotting disorder and pulmonary hypertension. During the first week after taking your second shot, you first developed pain and rashes on your body. The rashes were significant on your arms, but after you were hospitalized, these rashes responded quickly to steroids (and blood thinners). Still, the doctors had no idea why you became so sick with these symptoms, but they did not want to consider the COVID shot. When in the hospital, every single test for COVID-19 was negative; you had negative hospital PCR tests and negative lab nucleocapsid tests. You did not have a COVID-19 infection.
Still, some of the hospitals marked you as being COVID-19 positive despite the repeated negative testing, including negative nucleocapsid testing. One hospital marked you as “unvaccinated” even though you had both shots more than four weeks before the hospitalization, and were fully vaccinated. In fact, you had the antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) blood clotting disorder, confirmed in 12 weeks of lab testing that was not done in the hospital. You suffered several strokes and can’t walk without assistance since being hospitalized, and you have lost several abilities, and daily, you fight with all your heart to gain them back.
After your APS diagnosis, you began treatments: Hydroxychloroquine to calm the immune system and address autoimmune disease, blood thinners for the blood clots, medicine for pulmonary hypertension (left from the damage to the pulmonary arteries from the PE and pressure on the heart), medication for nerve pain and arthritic pain. In time you could breathe better and were able to walk farther. You went from someone who was fighting off death to someone who was fighting to live! You had hope, and you continued to improve. It was so excruciating for you, but you pushed forward.
In 2022 and 2023, you had continued weakness, thrombotic sores, exhaustion, and weight gain, which are all insults to a heroic young man who only wants to get his degree and teach others. Painful comments from others are softened by the caring voice of rare medical professionals with integrity and duty to their oath. Every one of your friends from this time period abandoned you. Being vaccine-injured is the new “scarlet letter.” Scarlet letter “V.”

Despite this, in 2022 and 2023, you were an honors student in college, walking with a cane, struggling for breath, and when you fell, you picked yourself up. When you came home, I held your hand as you cried because others ridiculed you for the sores on your arms and questioned whether you should be in school. I listened and held my tears as family members abandoned you and stole their promises of unconditional love away from your innocent heart.
While fellow students were scared and concerned that you were too ill to attend college, you have been accused of faking your illness by those online and by certain family members despite numerous hospitalizations, CT scans, MRIs, and more that show blood clots and stroke in your brain. You are only 24 years old, and I can’t fathom how much this hurts you.
Sadly, you are not the only one with illness suffering scrutiny and cruelty. Our country and our families have been torn apart by chaotic censorship of scientific and medical facts. You were made ill, and you did not do this to yourself, and your lab work and imaging cannot fake blood clots and your diagnosed blood clotting disease.
Above it all, Cody, you were keeping your 4.0-grade average and getting to your classes despite walking with a cane and surviving a stroke in 2021. Dad and I are beyond proud of you. Since you fell ill after your shot, you worked hard to gain back abilities. When you were able, you picked up the groceries, and anytime you picked up a latte for yourself, you always brought one for Mom. You and Dad still worked on cars, and you and your brother went to get burgers and shakes on Fridays. Yes, tasks and even fun trips had to be taken in stride, but you were making great progress, and we could not be prouder of you for your efforts.
Then, in October 2023, two years after your first blood clotting hospitalization of 2021, you failed your blood thinner, and everything came crumbling down again. In the first week of October, you were found to have a large blood clot (DVT) in your right femur. You were on the same medication started by the first hospital and continued by the first hematologist. Your medication for autoimmune disorder was also the same, and you were meticulous about taking them on time. When we went to the hospital, they explained that your blood clotting disorder is a life-long and life-threatening disease. We are told that you will likely have repeated blood clotting episodes despite blood thinner treatment. This is called “failing the blood thinner or treatment. ” This is seen with severe APS patients when their body no longer responds to the blood thinner. This meant that last fall, you were back in the hospital, and you were put on a new blood thinner in the hospital.
One week later, back to the hospital. You had a new DVT blood clot in the upper left femur now, and the blood thinner was changed for a second time. You went from a 4.0 GPA to injections, IVs, blood draws, doppler imaging, DVTs in both legs, uncertainty, and despair as you had to leave college and reside on a hospital gurney.
One week later, new DVT blood clots formed in the lower legs now, so you had clots in both the upper and lower legs, in both legs at this point, and the blood thinner was changed again, and you were hospitalized. IV anticoagulants started again, 4:00 a.m. blood draws, 6:00 a.m. injections, and you had hardly any nighttime sleep. I stayed in a cot at your side. For you, though, it was hell. The first week, stuck in a gurney, on morphine, not knowing whether the clots would dislodge and end up in your heart or brain or take your life. You got up several times a day, walked, and insisted on walking so that you did not die. I watched over you like your life depended on it.
Dad came straight from work to the hospital every day; he washed the clothes, and brought fresh fruit and your oatmeal packets. He took pictures of your cats while he was home and sent them to you. He would bring you anything you asked, I think, even if it was to sneak your oddball orange cat into the hospital.
Your new aunties, who were strangers before the COVID-19 pandemic, brought you snacks and watched dumb cartoons with you. They (who both worked in the medical field) gave this mama a rest here and there. They brought you your favorite coconut water and grilled the nurses on your medical care. Steve Kirsch and your “other auntie,” Angela, called over and over again to check on you. Oh, and they put you on the phone with Robert Kennedy Jr. while you were hospitalized.

Week two, new DVT blood clots in both arms, pain, weakness, agony, and evidence of two past strokes were found in your brain scan, and despair crept in. You now had blood clots in all four limbs and were still stuck on a hospital gurney. Then the despair was eased by aunties, sweet nurses, and devoted dad and mom who snuck you “real” coffee every morning instead of the “hospital burnt brown water.” One auntie who flirted with the cute male nurses and told joke after joke (and who may have snuck a little margarita in for Mama on one occasion), the other auntie who helped decorate the hospital room from baseboard to ceiling and across the ceiling with spiderwebs and little fake spiders for Halloween – these were your heroes, your ride-or-die family when most family members could not overcome the fact that a vaccine did this to you.
During this time in the hospital, when you were on the blood thinner recommended by the independent doctors, you showed improvement in your symptoms. But the hospital removed you from it and placed you on warfarin as that is “what is indicated. ” What does that mean? Oh… it means that the hospital is making sure they don’t color out of the lines or think outside the box. CYA. OK, but if you get worse, they promise me that they will help when I ask them to consider helping you get on Rituximab and to look into where this can be done. Rituximab is a drug that I researched and that two of your physicians outside the hospital support the use of in your care. It has been shown to reduce the antibodies you have to your own proteins that help your blood to keep the balance between clotting and remaining free of blood clots.
With warfarin, we are told it will take time for the INR to get in the therapeutic range, but the heparin will act as the blood thinner in the meantime. Your past experiences have told us that you bleed on heparin; you bled pretty significantly in 2021 on this medication. The hospital still wants to try it. And… then you bleed. You cough bloody sputum, and your nose bleeds.
I still speak to the hospital about my concerns over warfarin, as you seem to be regressing with the introduction of this drug. I listen quietly as the sweetest faces then deliver veiled threats of caregiver neglect through smiling explanations that this is indicated for your disease, and this is what you will be given in the hospital.
With this, I carefully consider your position and my position. Are you strong enough to survive the hospital? That is now the question. When I raise the alarm bells, I am looked at not as a concerned parent but as a threat to the hospital protocol, the protocol that protects the doctors, not you—another insidious protocol.
I then bargain with the protocol peddlers for alternative plans for you “in case” you develop more blood clots on warfarin. They look you in the eye and promise if you get worse, they will act. “How will you act?” I ask. Will you try rituximab? “Yes, if he has more blood clots,” they say.
At the two-week mark, you were allowed to go home because your INR was in range, but you were barely able to walk. I ask for new brain scans as I am worried you have a clot in your brain. I am told that you “can’t get a clot in your brain.” I ask them to schedule it anyhow. It is ordered but will have to be an outpatient scan on their own timing as, after all, your INR is in range, and the protocol says it's time to get discharged.
It took a total of three visits (17 hospital days) and maybe five different blood thinners to get you to this point. You may be “safely” in range with your INR under their plan, but again, you seemed worse to me; you could not walk very far at all, a couple of steps (if that). The hospital doctors reassured us, saying it is expected that you would be weak from the blood clotting. But a mother knows.
Two weeks later, thrombosis was found in your brain. You developed a blood clot in the brain despite all the treatment and the INR being in range. I asked if you could now be put on Rituximab, and they said, “No, the warfarin needs time to work; the clot likely developed before warfarin.” They wanted to wait a few weeks to see if the current treatment would resolve it. I ask, “But if it does not work, we will work on getting Cody on Rituximab?” I am told, “Yes.”
At this time, Steve Kirsch and Angela begin working hard to help you and our family. I have hope for a new treatment for you. Angela and the team set up a fundraiser to help with your hospital bills and to help pay for medication. Thank God! You need help! This is both a financial and emotional relief to us all. We are drowning in bills! We didn’t know how to pay for all the new medications. We could not think; the worry was so immense.
The idea of having Christmas presents wasn’t on our radar; our only focus was keeping you alive. With the help of these donations, we could now schedule some of the specialists that we had not been able to afford to send you to. I started focusing on getting referrals to the specialists, and now that you are out of the hospital and some financial worries are eased, I can spend a little time focusing on your legal case. This help is a Godsend.
To all the donors: Thank you to all who have helped with Cody’s expenses. I don’t think anyone can know how much it means to him, especially. He feels guilty. He should not, but he feels guilty that he is sick and that we have to care for him. It eats him up. We reassure him, but I know he is still struggling to let the guilt go. When we get help from others, when he sees that others believe in him and that they care, I see the guilt and worry lifted. I know that may be typical, but for me, as his mother, to see that worry lifted from him is healing for all of us. With all my heart, I thank all of you.
A few weeks later…
Just after Thanksgiving, you went in for your next brain scan to see if there was an improvement, and you were in range on warfarin for some weeks at this point. After your brain scan, we wait almost three weeks for these results for doctors to get back from their Christmas holiday!
Call after call, but we are repeatedly told that no one can read the report but the doctor who is on vacation!
During this time, you remained mostly bed-bound from Thanksgiving until near Christmas. Of course, you had some days that were better than others over the years since the 2021 onset of your blood clotting disorder that you were left with after your COVID LNP mRNA injection. But now, you were barely able to walk more than a few steps without holding onto me, and you barely went outside, and no one told you why you were worse off, even though the scan had been completed. To me, this is criminal! I can hardly take this as a mother! Why will no one read the report to you? I have to hold these emotions in, but I am beyond shocked at the lack of concern from the hospital doctors for your brain scans.
We did not know what it was yet, but you feared that something was terribly wrong. I knew that your condition was worse. I hear your voice slowly wither, and I see the pain in your eyes; we don’t know exactly what is wrong, and we call the hospital doctors over and over again to get the results of your brain scan. They are on vacation.
They left on vacation without looking at your brain scan or calling to go over it. This, while you are confined to your bed and a recliner in the living room, in pain and left with great uncertainty. All you want is nothing more than to have the freedoms of a young man in his twenties. How do I help you through this? Christmas is coming, and I have to cheer you up. I have to keep your spirits up!
Then a reminder of the recurring theme that I hope will sustain you until we can get better results, came knocking on your doorstep, literally. When the mail came, you received a package from Five Times August (the musician). He sent you his signed album, and I think you have worn the T-shirt he sent once a week, every week since Christmas. You love it! You lit up with Joy, some of the first real Joy I think I have seen in you in a while. Music inspires you, and his music is personal. He is fighting for you and the people injured by the mandates and rushed injection. You needed to know that someone deeply cared about this cause and had a voice that would transcend generations. Thank God for Brad. Thank you, Brad, for caring for my son and for caring for all the vaccine-injured and bereaved.
It seems that when we feel hope slipping away, we learn that someone, somewhere, has been thinking of you, proving that no matter what you experience, there will always be goodness in the hearts of men (well, and in the hearts of aunties who bring dark chocolate, too).
Support Five Times August and find his music here
Around this same time, your emotional pain was also eased when a wonderful person who loves you dearly went out of her way, specifically thinking of your comfort level and your dignity, meeting with you personally to give you a generous Christmas gift that provided you the dignity to buy your own coffee and pay for gas, buy clothing, food and personal items you needed. Oh, and books. Of course, you bought books that you had been waiting to buy! You also put a little maintenance into your car and registered it, although you really can’t use it much. It gives you hope and dignity to know you have its use if we can find a way to control the blood clotting disorder a little more effectively.
This winter, Margaret Anna also began writing us, and we learned about her kitten companions, and this warmed your soul. We learned of adventures and truths, but most of all, we learned that there are strong, thoughtful voices and exceptional human beings who are listening to the pain and weariness of the vaccine injured. We know we are not alone; most importantly, YOU know that YOU are not alone, and this is the most precious Christmas gift of all.
It was a tough winter with great uncertainty, but the kindness of others brought relief and warmth in so many ways.
On December 27th, we finally were able to get an appointment to go over the results of your second brain scan. You were mostly in bed or in your recliner and could barely use the bathroom by yourself.
On the day of your appointment, just before you walked into the exam room, you collapsed to the floor. When you were safely seated, we were told that the scan showed that the entire left side of the veins that drain your de-oxygenated blood from your brain were narrowed. The hospital MRI tech called it “congenital!” I’m disgusted by what appears as contorting words on the scan to defend the hospital protocol. Of course, you could not just develop congenital narrowing of the veins in your brain at age 24! You developed a blood clotting disorder in 2021. The hospital failed you, period.
We, of course, asked how that could be as the other scans did not show this; we asked if the blood clots could narrow the veins. The doctor also questioned the use of the word congenital; she said that with your APS condition, we would expect this occlusion of the veins to take place, and she said she would ask the tech who completed the report to go back over it with her. [Remember, the APS began after the 2021 COVID LNP/mRNA injection.] She was visibly concerned, and she confirmed this was not congenital. So now, you have blood clotting in the brain two months after starting warfarin, and it clearly isn’t working. The hospital doctor still won’t try a different treatment.
I remain disgusted. I’m sure the doctors now see it written on my face. I’m kind and cordial as I need you to have good outcomes and for us to not make any waves that could hurt your care, even if we are devastated. You look broken. Your knee is bleeding through your pants from collapsing. Your brain has pressure and clotting, and no one is acting with urgency except to try to bandage you from the bleeding knee and asking if we want to file a report about you falling in the medical center. NO! We want to keep you from dying from blood clots in the brain!
In reality, their treatment failed, and the veins in your brain narrowed from your APS clotting, which is not congenital. The hospital doctors said they wouldn’t change treatment as warfarin is what they would prescribe for the clotting anyhow and looked at me blankly this time when I asked for rituximab. However, they do order you a wheelchair as your condition regressed to this point. Can they not see the dichotomy here? If the warfarin were working, you would not need the wheelchair! You are injured, in pain, and have brain trauma from clotting, but you are not dumb; you are aware of this protocol-driven spiraling decline in care.
How do I keep your spirits up? What do I do to keep you going? Aunties call regularly, send you memes, and check on you.
We gently talk to you about shopping for a wheelchair, and this breaks you again. You don’t want to lose the freedom that you have in walking. We wait a couple of weeks and remind you that we have to shop for a wheelchair and then put it off. We start this task of finding a wheelchair four times, and we stop four times as you crumble in tears and cannot face the thought of losing control of your independent mobility. In your hardest moments, you don’t know how you will live through this; you scream it out. There is no way to sugarcoat this, and I pause to write it, but the world should know what you face and endure; they should know what our government is allowing and not lifting a finger to ease the suffering of the injured. You are one of five vaccine injured who have called out to me and confided in me, who has crumbled and shuttered, asking me in one way or another, whether dying is more humane than what is being endured. Dear God, please give them strength.
Your brother is paralyzed in both lower legs, wears leg braces, and walks by throwing his weight forward. He learned to do this at age one and has learned to balance on the portions of his legs that he can feel. His ability to walk despite the odds is different from yours. I try to motivate you by drawing on his strength. Then you told me you follow several online profiles of disabled people who are badasses despite their disabilities. Come on, Cody, hold tight until we get you back to gaining more independence. Please dream big! Please hold on to your dreams, son!
January 2024…
The pressure in your brain from the narrowing of your veins is giving you migraines, your eyes hurt, and you have pressure in your head. You are falling multiple times daily. Who will help, the hospital wasn’t able to. I am watching you die? Am I watching you die? How do I know? I have to think fast! God help us…
I call your independent doctor and tell him there are no more options and that the warfarin left you with clotting in the brain despite treatment. Immediately, your doctor and Dr. Vaughn put a different treatment plan together. The 2023 blood clots began the first week of October 2023, and it wasn’t until days before January 2024 that the last brain CT was read, showing the vein narrowing from clots. Together, these doctors and Dad and I made a plan. God help us to help you.
Each day, I make a journal entry and log your treatment and symptoms. Dad and I ask, “Are you in pain? How much pain?” We inspect the lower portion whites of your eyes to see the amount and coloration of the vessels visible in your eyes. “Look up, son, hold your lower lid down carefully.” If the vessels are heavily impregnated with blood or more vessels are reddened, we know you are likely to bleed. Your nose will bleed, and your skin can bleed. You can also have blood in your sputum. Did your nose bleed? Did you cough up blood? How is the pressure in your head?

We have to assess the pressure in your brain. One entry reads: “You are weak; you fell today.” I have to ask you, “How many times did you fall today?” I watch you come up the steps and fall.
I want to protect you from this, but you are clinging on to your independence. “No, Mom, I will do it myself,” you say. Son, I feel like a jerk; I don’t know what to do. Sometimes, I have to talk to you and explain that we have to step in and protect you. We make compromises… sometimes they are unspoken, sometimes they come with tears, and every time, I am in awe of your strength. On days we know you are weaker, Dad is behind you, and I am in front of you to catch you. You are 24 years old; you lean on your dad or your mom to walk. I know, we know this crushes you. We walk together and vow to find a way to help you feel empowered.
You are slowly transitioning from warfarin to the new medication, and in about five days, I see your eyes brighten. In about six days, I see you getting up from your chair a little stronger. In a week, I see you getting up to make your own hot tea again. After two weeks, you walk outside to read your book and take in some sunshine.
I am proud of you for the small steps. Still, I know that on most days, you feel as if your body is a prison. I know that it is very difficult to help with some things that would make your life better. We are financially ruined. So, how do we find a way to improve your setting and your mindset?
Since the pulmonary embolism (PE), something that you have struggled with has been the damage to your pulmonary system. When you turn to the side or bend down, sometimes the pain is so great in your lungs/ribs that your vision fades to black. When you ride in the car, a speed bump is agony; a pothole is agony as your lungs had so much pressure from the PE that it damaged your sternum and it damaged your lung lining. Not many people understand or know this pain. When you fall asleep in the car, these pains wake you; sleeping doesn’t help. I think out of all of your pain, this pain, I pray, will ease for you more than any other. I want you to have your freedom.
I can’t take you out for a drive. I can’t whisk you away for a change of scenery. What do I do? You are pent-up, frustrated, and broken down, and it's my job to find a way to help keep your spirit up. Music… if I play music, hot tea… if I make you a hot tea, maybe a fuzzy, sweet soul? If I get your kitten and place him on your chest, will your heartache ease now? If I send you a funny kitten meme or a picture of a muscle car?
Then, a couple of weeks ago, in early March 2024, you finally felt up to getting out and taking a little trip. I needed to get business done on your medical case and help friends with their son’s medical case as they stayed near South Florida. So, your auntie helped us to make the trip to see them. We packed up your medication and took the train to avoid the issues with bumps and holes in the roads. You were also able to get up and walk as needed on the train. This seemed like a way to get you a change of scenery safely.
We were off to see our dear friends who lost their son sixteen days after his COVID shot. We arrived safely, and when our business tasks were complete, they showed us a city we had never been to ( a needed break). These parents always tell me, “You have your son. It may be hard, and it isn’t how it should be, but you have your son; he is still alive; our son is gone. ”
Knowing how precious each day is for us to have you here, they wanted us to make memories and give you hope, no matter how sick you are. So, they took you to a beautiful Japanese garden that their son, who passed away, used to love to go to with them. You walked slowly and with your cane, holding onto each of us as needed. We took our time and were in the shade. We saw giant Koi, wild iguanas, and Japanese Zen gardens. It was perfect. It was just what you needed. You were shown love and kindness. It took a lot out of you, but we all were there to support you. You desperately needed this kindness. They are a blessing and it is a miracle that they can show kindness even though they suffered such loss.
Then, on the train ride home, an aggressive man was yelling and posturing, standing over me and smacking the seats while standing over me. He was threatening and angry over the disabled seats, and although you sat quietly, on March 9th, 2024, his repeated bullying caused you to have a setback in your stroke symptoms (and new stroke symptoms).
That night, you were in the emergency room. We went to a different hospital. This time, the neurologist was very thorough and explained that these newest symptoms were not caused by blood clotting. We learned that your stroke symptoms could worsen and recur under stress and exertion (recrudescence). During your trip, you walked slowly; we had water with us, and this was early March. We all stopped every fifty feet or so to sit on the benches. We did all we could to make sure you were not struggling or hurting yourself. But we could not control the stress that came from the bully on the train. He was not acting rationally and threatening me (your mom), and he did not stop for over an hour.
The neurologist also explained to us that you have an “evolving” stroke; the new scans confirmed that the loss of brain tissue, function, and blood flow is caused by the APS (Antiphospholipid syndrome) blood clotting (not congenital) and that this recurrence of your stroke symptoms can happen again with stress like what took place on the train. So, we likely have the blood clotting under control now, but the area of stroke in your brain can worsen with stress and exertion, too. Then I think of the bullying you endure at school. How do I protect you?
But what is hurting my heart and breaking me is what she said next. She told us that most people who have lost as much brain function as you have (brain matter that will never heal) no longer walk or talk and can’t move one half of their body. She emphasized that stress can cause more damage.
You are age 24. You should not have to hear these words and experience strokes at all. But in the moment, all I can promise is that no matter what, I will fight for you until my last breath. You should never have had to go through this.
You were just starting to hit your stride again after the setback from clotting through the winter. But, with this setback, you started talking from one side of your mouth as the other was immobilized, and your voice changed to the point where your phone’s AI could not recognize you.
Your heart is broken. I can’t help it. I am human; my heart is broken, too, and this has been a tough couple of weeks, but my love is unbreakable. I refuse to let your spirit and my spirit be broken by the lack of response from our healthcare officials and our government, who should have protected you and also helped you when you fell ill. I know your heart is broken, too. I know you fight to keep your spirit intact. I hope to God that I can keep my resolve intact to be here for you every step of the way. I hope that I can guide you and help you keep your spirit intact.
We are suffering; you are suffering. How do we keep the focus on the good in the world when you are so very sick? The positive and joyful person that I was feels like a soldier in war now. Thank God for your aunties and those who keep checking in on you; they let us know we are not alone. I have to remember that there is good in the world. This is my task. I have been through hell and back before this; I need to find that strong mama lion in me and remember her strength above all. That mama never lost hope.
Before your COVID LNP mRNA injections…
In the summer of 2021, you had a trainer at the gym who helped you make your way to running five miles and then seven miles, and you loved it. You started running regularly, and you were in such good shape. You were proud of yourself and glowing with happiness over your future. You had friends and a beloved job. Soon, we were to be moving to live near your brother again, and you would finally get to start college. This was such an accomplishment for you.
Most people do not know that you have autism and that you worked hard to find your stride in school and in social settings, but you did it. Sensory overload could be a challenge for you, especially when you were younger. You had wonderful teachers and learned to focus, and you graduated. You worked hard and proved that you could hold your own in college, that you could carve your own path and do anything you set out to do academically.
Most people don’t know that when you were little, that we were in a bad place; both of us were physically injured by abuse and domestic violence; the violence I was raised in was so extreme that it made international news. Raised in that environment, without strong role models or healthy relationship examples, I later found myself in an abusive relationship, and I did what no one did for me: I stood up for you and your brother. I stood up for us.
I showed you that no one is allowed to hurt you physically and that if someone hurts you, you end it immediately and do everything you can to lead a full life, letting that pain go as best you can, as you can. I strived to be an example, as that is what mothers are born to do. When we overcome something so destructive, so crushing, we are often quiet about it. But kids should learn that strength and standing up for oneself is an honorable achievement, period; it should not hide in the shadows of abuse.
Outside of that environment, you blossomed, and your love of music, technology, science, cars, and animals developed.
Most people also don’t know that your older brother was born with significant spina bifida and is partially paralyzed in both legs, and they don’t know that I taught him to walk despite this. He was born with a cyst in the upper spine and a fatty tumor in the lower spine; his spinal cord was “tethered” and twisted almost all the way around (not the bones but the spinal cord), and he was born with a birth anomaly about the size of an adult hand that opened and bled over the lower spine and perineum area.
I was a young mom with a bad home life, but caring for your brother’s extensive medical needs seemed to come naturally to me. Starting from day 5, I helped to design and develop sterile, topical antibiotic waterproof treatments for him that protected the large spinal opening and kept infection from developing in the opened skin over his spine, much like severe burn injury treatments.
Later, I made leg braces on my own for him and exercised his little, listless legs to help develop his leg muscles, which had poor input from his spine in some areas and no input in others. I did so even as prominent doctors told me leg braces and exercise would be useless. By God’s grace and the determination he gave me, the surgeons and the orthotics specialist who heard my cry, listened to my ideas, worked together as a team, and were willing to try when others gave up on your brother. He was given the gift of walking despite paralysis in both legs.
This is what mothers do; they find a way for their kids despite the odds. They find strength even in the most dire of circumstances. I gave my all to give your brother the best possible chance in life and to help other kids like him. Part of your brother’s medical journey is a published case study that has been teaching others and helping other kids for over twenty years now.
Helping your brother to stand and walk taught me to stand up for all three of us!
The two of you were still little, but we held tight together; we stood strong and rose above the hardships. Your brother went through agony and pain through several surgeries and weeks of hospitalization at a time for more than six years. We were his rock, but at the same time, he was the toughest kid, inspiring us.
Even though he is partially paralyzed, now, as an adult, he has hiked and fished through the Sierra Nevada mountains and off-roaded and camped through most of the California and Arizona deserts. He has camped and fished at most water bodies in all three states, and we went on many of these adventures with him over the years. We had no idea back then that his medical journey and his strength were there to teach us how to be strong for you much later as you fell ill and developed this APS autoimmune disease after your COVID shot. Your brother is one of two of the toughest young men I know. You are both forces of nature!
Together, we won over fear and hardship with love for each other; at first, we clung to each other, but the strength you two boys exhibited from a young age has been immeasurable. It took me some healing, growing, and soul-searching to learn many lessons in this. We had no idea then but unexpected and good things were headed our way.
After a few years, we were blessed to get to know the man who would become your dad who has raised you and called you his son for nearly twenty years now.
We don’t call him a stepdad; there are no prefixes, we are not a “stepfamily,” we are a family, and he is “Dad.”
God blessed us with this man, a strong Navy veteran who has devoted his life to you and your brother as his own. You are his boys. He was there for you from a young age, and despite our rough past, he loves us all unconditionally.
The song below describes “The dad he didn’t have to be”… that is your Dad.
When you were little, your big, tough dad sat you on his knee and read you the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, skipping a word now and then, teaching you to read the skipped words on your own. Despite your difficulties with focusing and sensory overload from autism, he taught you to read, and this opened up your world. He also taught your brother to work on cars despite being paralyzed in his lower legs, which opened up his world. He also taught me that even broken things deserve love. The four of us have grown as a family; we have love and God.
The thing is ...
I thought we had suffered our worst days and that we had overcome the most acrid moments life would ever throw at us. Then came the COVID-19 vaccines. We are all suffering now and holding your hand as you walk this path of pain and uncertainty, but we do have one another, and we have those who pray for you and who want the best for you. Strangers became our family, and people from all over the world who are fighting to prevent these kinds of mandated medical treatments have stood up for you. This, I think, is the unexpected treasure in this unimaginable path you were forced to take.
I say this as the way you fell ill and what happened after you fell ill is the deepest cut of all for you, as you explain it to us while you struggle for life, my brave son. You fell ill and began a life of uncertainty after listening to others who decided what was best for you, urging you to get your COVID LNP/mRNA injection. Your dad and I voiced concerns which were met with resistance. I know you know that I had concerns as I have autoimmune diseases that came from a reaction that I had to an infused medication at age 32, and I worried that you would end up with an autoimmune disease. You were tested when you were in your late teens and had no autoimmune disease, but I worried about the untested, experimental COVID LNP/mRNA injection and that you might have a reaction.
In 2021, you listened to the government, the FDA, and the CDC, but they didn’t know your family history. In fact, these agencies said to get the injections even if you have an autoimmune disease. The government encouraged everyone to do their part, to get the shot, paying for extensive advertising… more than the superbowl ad budget, so I hear.
Did these organizations forget that vaccines are associated with autoimmune disorders?
Were the government health agencies qualified to prescribe you a treatment without examining you and going over your medical history and your family’s medical history?
If so, do they carry malpractice insurance? No? Then how is this different than practicing medicine without a licence?
In the end, you did what you thought was right as you were told by the above people and agencies that your family members with underlying illness (they scared you by specifically saying that your mother (that I)) would die from COVID-19 infection if you brought it home. I assured you that I was tough and that you did not need it for my sake. With the saddest of hearts, we now know that your love for others and duty to family brought you a life sentence at age 21.
No matter how anyone paints it, you lived it; we lived it, and we know what we experienced. Everyone had a different experience. What you witnessed, what we witnessed, is that your peers were manipulated, many were manipulated, and you were manipulated. But for you, the cut ran deep because each of these people who encouraged you to get the shot all walked away from you when you fell ill after the vaccine.
It is hard to make up for the loss of love and acceptance from family and peers, I know. Still, no matter what, until the end of time, you are loved and protected unconditionally by your mom, dad, and brother. There are, of course, quite a few people reading this who are also thinking to themselves that they could never abandon you. They know who they are, and they are the purest souls that I believe we will ever encounter. God bless these special souls and especially the aunties that didn’t have to be but decided to be anyhow. God bless you to all who chose to love you.
It is now almost April 2024…
In many ways, I’m watching you fade away; you can’t take yourself to your appointments; you finally went to physical therapy but went to the hospital the next day (yesterday, and you came home today). We are fighting a tide of this disease that seems stronger than we are sometimes.
March 26th, we have yet more trouble attempting to get your life-saving blood thinner antithrombin prescription. which is rare, expensive, and hard to source. Today, I called one more pharmacy and one more friend to see if they can source your medication in their town, as we are repeatedly told by pharmacies that --your blood thinner -the new blood thinner that is working for you now-- isn’t available in the country anymore. The name brand is several hundred dollars a month, and we are told the generic brand is being discontinued. I’m trying to figure this out quickly. Others are helping. I called one more specialist to see if they were having the same issue in their state. As I make these calls, a surreal drowning sensation takes over my heart and mind. I feel like I can’t breathe.
God help you. Please, God help my child. Please, God, bring someone into our circle, into our world, who can ease the struggle and the burden; please bring unconditional love to wash over this uncertainty. Please touch the heart of just one politician who will listen to the entire truth, to the entire medical case, and who can make a difference. The truths it holds are profound.
Sometimes, I wake screaming silently at night. I’m gently telling my friends that I don’t feel like talking. I’m not answering calls. I’m not answering emails. I’m mourning you; I’m mourning for the life you were headed to. I turn my head so you don’t see my tears as you tell me you know you can’t ever have kids and that most people don’t live long after repeatedly failing the treatments for your condition, antiphospholipid syndrome, as you have failed numerous blood thinners —meaning there aren’t many left to try. So, I have to push harder. You see two new specialists next week. I pray they are given wisdom and compassion.
Today, as I type this journal out, I am trying to hold it together. I have to hold it together. I have to protect you and the others who are abandoned. I have no choice. I pray to God this journal will awaken the right soul to stand up against these violations of your rights and the rights of the others in need.
It may be a pipe dream, but my hope is that Congress or an investigative media group is willing to look at your case or look into the hardships for the vaccine injured and treat this cause as a human rights violation investigation. I want them to know that every vaccine-injured person is going through something similar to what you are and what our family is going through.
Here is a rough breakdown for medical bills- each medical appointment is hundreds of dollars a month above insurance; a co-payment has an $80 co-pay; the gas is typically $20 as we drive 1.5 hours to get there. For you, we have to stop every half hour or so due to blood clotting to let you walk. So, we are gone for about 5 to six hours (all day for us). If we get water, coffee, or food and remain frugal, even if it is $10 we spend above the gas on a trip, that totals $220 to $440 a month in appointments if you have two to four appointments a month (you are supposed to go to more specialists, but we can’t afford them). Imaging, lab, or specialty service provider care is extra (maybe $80 to $120 a month), and past medical bills are extraordinary, and we barely pay what we can. Then there is the cost of medications, anywhere from $150 to $400 a month. These medical expenses range from $470 to $1000 a month, and this does not include past medical bill payments, the two other specialists that you are supposed to see, or little things like band-aids, your supplements (that keep you alive), and creams that help your skin that often has sores that are from the APS syndrome.
We eat inexpensive food and do our best, but it is well known in this country that healthy food is expensive. We do not receive welfare or food stamps. Gary works, but his job can’t cover this amount of medical needs. Still, there are others in worse circumstances, and there are thousands of others in circumstances similar to yours. Again, countless people who suffered from their COVID-19 vaccines are experiencing these same hardships. They are disabled, unable to work, and there is no medical compensation.
We are likely going to declare bankruptcy this year as there is no help. Remember that we were moving to Arizona when this took place? Our house was sold, and we had to move out. We had already bought our new land and home in Arizona, and we cashed out the 401K, for the down payment as well as we were to make payments. We were 12 days away from moving when you were told you had three days to live.
Do you recall the 1982 children’s movie The Secret of NIMH? It was about lab rats and mice that escaped and formed a community after they underwent changes, and their temperaments, abilities, and health were affected by injections that were given to them at an experimental medical lab facility.
There were aggressive rats and intelligent rats, and one of the mice's offspring was deathly ill. Mrs. Brisby, the mouse mama, could not move her sick child when her home was in danger. I remember this movie well. It is uncanny how it seemed to warn us of experimental injections.
Like the fictional mouse mama, I, too, could not move you, my sick child, across the country as he was too sick to be moved after his injection. On the day we had to move, you were in the hospital with a massive pulmonary embolism, blood clot, and leaky heart valves, and you were so weak you could no longer walk (a stroke that the hospital missed).
This was October 2021. Because of the severe blood clotting and because we did not have a medical plan or physician set up in Arizona yet, there were too many uncertainties to risk bringing you across the country. We had very little information at this point on what caused your pulmonary embolism, much less your prognosis. So we had no choice but to find a home in Florida quickly and with what little money we had left during a housing price increase never seen before in Florida.
We had to take whatever we could in days’ time to house you, and we currently live in the same crumbling home: a mobile home that we will be shoring up a crumbling wall this weekend and fixing the deteriorated wood at the base of the wall with our own sweat and hard work. We are stuck, but we are trying. We have to fix the home issues where we are and try for better.
Many days, given the circumstances, it is the choice between supplies for the house or medicine for you. We went from living in a house with a pool, a few houses away from the Intracoastal Florida water, to living very rural in less than 700 ft of living space.
With the rural move, Dad now drove 2 hours home from work; we were left with no choice. He worked 12-hour shifts at the time, and we did not see him for 16 hours a day, four days a week, for the first year of your illness. Needless to say, we could not cover the Arizona and Florida expenses, and we took losses. It was so hard. We had not yet met any of the people we now know and didn’t really have anyone to talk to about your illness or about the pandemic chaos.
Since then, we have had help, but like many others in your shoes, the medical bills eat it up quickly. Still, we are not alone now, as we have met many in this movement. We also have to remember that there are some that have it worse after vaccine injury: One of your “aunties,” who is vaccine injured (documented by three specialists), was let go from her hospital job due to her injury. She is about to lose her health insurance and her home within a month, and she may have to come to stay on our property in a travel trailer. She had years of financial security, which is now eaten up by bills and living expenses after being vaccine injured. She is not the only one.
This is what is happening to homeowners who are vaccine-injured from the COVID LNP/mRNA shot.
Why won’t the vaccine manufacturers and Congress help?
Why have our government and Congress not made any changes? Surely, they can’t believe that there were no injuries that came from injecting billions with a new technology.
In our home, we are told that you may not survive this blood clotting disorder. In fact, you have come close to death a few times. How will this abandonment of the ill, the dying, the deceased, and the bereaved by the government and the vaccine manufacturers look in court or to the public when that day comes that the truth is exposed?
To them, to Congress and the drug manufacturers, I ask, what if these are the last years that he is given?
If so, he must endure a crumbling home and scrounging change for a coffee in his last days.
Again, he is not the only one! I’m just so broken or fed-up that I am writing “out loud.”
Is this the image our congress wants to leave in the public eye for their “care” of the vaccine injured? Are the tribunals going to be filled with mothers begging for help for their sons and daughters from doctors and friends? These are the last days they are content to leave you with, son. But not me!
In the end, this has to be the worst PR for them. This won’t bode well for them, and they will be stopped from treating others in this way. I will make sure of this. When will the world wake up to this corporatism that puts profits before people and stands up against vaccine manufacturers being given immunity?
But didn’t the vaccine save others?
There is a little-known publication by the LNP/mRNA manufacturers, which I will be posting soon in a paper written on the subject. Their own document shows without question that the vaccine efficacy was not able to be determined.
In fact, a “significant” loss of mRNA translation has been seen “historically” since the outset of ionizable lipid nanoparticles. This is a document written by the manufacturer and there are several supporting documents by the industry. The cat will be out of the bag soon. However, if the skeptical reader pretends for just a moment that this is true without reeling and protesting, for the sake of the flow of this writing, what will you then say for your reasoning for protecting the vaccine so vehemently if efficacy could never be proven? Now, maybe you can see why the attorney mentioned below feared for his safety and livelihood.
So, how will this look in court one day, with them allowing you, son, and your friends who were also injured to lose their homes, go without medication, and go without treatment because there is no money for the injured?
Parents, please realize…
This is not the first pharmaceutical to have significant safety and efficacy issues, and we as a community must realize that the idea that there are no (or few) vaccine injuries is false advertising. I implore Americans to stand up for each other instead of being led like mindless consumers to protect drug makers. At the most basic level, we must understand that vaccine injuries have taken place since the onset of vaccines. This vaccine is no different. Why should others care? Cody’s hospital bill for just 13 days of October was $104,000.00. I’m sure those who are reading this can imagine the previous 2021, 2022, and 2023 year bills. How would most Americans fare with a new onslaught of unending medical bills?
Typically, state Medicare or Medicaid steps in when someone is severely injured or critically ill (such as cancer patients) and can’t work due to illness (like the circumstances Cody was left in). This has not happened for the vaccine injured. [I fully intend to push Congress to enact a bill to address this humanitarian crisis. As of April 4th, 2024, I have written several congress members, and I will continue to write others on this matter.]
But, for the first year of the pandemic, the government covered hospital bills for COVID-19 infection regardless of financial status for those who incurred them. Still, no such provisions were made for those with COVID vaccine injuries when the vaccines rolled out in December 2020. How were the vaccine injured supposed to cope with the medical bills? A quick online search of the COVID-19 vaccine “compensation program” informs of lawsuits describing the “black hole” that is the CICP program. There is no help for the injured. There is no representation or redress.
For us, when this took place in 2021, we were moving to be near Cody’s brother and all live on the same street in Arizona. We had been planning this move since 2020. We weren’t in financial distress before Cody’s injury; Dad was to work on the base with the drone program and had been a military contractor for twenty years. Again, we were 12 days away from moving when Cody was hospitalized and near death in 2021.
We were put into immediate financial crisis when having to find a new home abruptly while eating the costs of all of our efforts to move across the country. We put most of the medical bills on credit or lived off of credit and paid the bills as we juggled these new circumstances.
We have medical insurance, and part of these bills are paid by insurance. But again, Cody can’t work and we cover all of his expenses. He is disabled and does not get disability payments as there was no system put in place for the possibility of this with the COVID vaccines. Also, the gas to get to the appointments, the therapy, and the pharmacy, and the life-saving medication that now has to be made by the compounding pharmacy, the food or water, or the little splurge when Cody gets a “decent coffee” is not covered. The co-pays are not covered, and I can’t go to work as Cody needs care. Again, countless others are in the same boat after their COVID shots. They, too have no help.
Dear reader, what if this happened to your child? Would you be prepared? Can anyone be prepared?
For even the most steadfast pro-vaccine stance, it must be considered that with any vaccine, there are adverse events and deaths. This vaccine was given to a world population, a much larger and varied population than any other vaccine in history. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have died and had adverse events. My son, my brave son Cody, is one of them, and he is fighting for his life, fighting to afford treatment and medication and to obtain healthy food so that he can fight this illness the best he can. Who can help? What politicians are listening to Cody’s story? Who is listening to those who survived only to struggle to live?
Cody, I want better for you…
For the last few months, I have picked you up as you fall in the early hours of the morning, barely able to lift you from the floor. You fall from the effects of several strokes and muscle weakness from your autoimmune disorder. You also live in pain, pain from the disease, and pain from blood clots in all four limbs, your lungs, and your brain.
But you have lived; you have fought to live!
We have a routine now. When dad is home, he helps you up, I sleep nearby at night to pick you up if you fall at night. We don’t cry or lament the countless falls and cuts on your knees. Instead, we get you up and get right back to life as we know it, even if that means going back to sleep.
It isn’t normal for a mother to care for her son, now 24, unable to go to school, fighting to pay for medications to keep you alive, wondering if any of the possible relief spoken by attorneys and politicians will come to your aid. Yesterday, I crumbled as your pre-print of your medical case was attacked and censored. They didn’t realize your case had already been peer-reviewed and published elsewhere. This censorship does not matter; they can’t erase your lab work showing the antibodies, showing the APS syndrome, showing the new onset of your autoimmune disease after the vaccine. We will not be intimidated.
For over a year, I have been working on your Florida legal case. Last weekend, the attorney who was readying to file your case wrote me. This attorney said they feared for their safety and livelihood and that, after much prayer, they would not be pursuing your case. I have three things to say about this: 1. Please do not fault them! 2. There will be other attorneys and other cases. 3. If anyone reading this questions how serious the censorship and discrimination against vaccine-injured individuals is, know this… the hate spews onto the medical professionals who treat them and even the legal professionals who attempt to help them. I have the receipts to back this up.
Your medical case is so simple that it is dangerous. One amazing law professor told me to become too big to fail, too big to be killed. Make yourself visible, he said. So, having taken a deep breath and taking in all that has taken place since you were hospitalized again in October 2023 with blood clots in all four limbs and then in your brain, I am making another highly visible stand for you and the vaccine injured even though I hardly feel like speaking to another soul. I am so hurt. I am so hurt for you. But others are fighting for you, and I am fighting for you! They will not silence me; they will not silence your plight.
Please consider helping with Cody’s medical expenses and maybe… legal fees as I work to find a firm that will consider Cody’s case.
If you would like to help Cody’s friend, the nurse who is losing her home, please email me, and I will get you in contact with her.
If only one lawmaker would genuinely look. I have to find that lawmaker! But it seems the world is afraid to look closely. So, I have to find the one who is not afraid to look! Sadly, a closer look will reveal countless injuries. Still, the injuries must come out of the shadows!
Without the truth told, there are those who spew hatred towards you, son, towards me, towards your medical professionals who work to give you a better life, and to the others who are injured. Do they know why? Without the truth being told, you wait another year, with us clinging only to hope, with you clinging onto hope and for us, wondering how we will save you, how we will pay your medical bills, and you know that this is our reality. How can we assure you that we love you and we don’t fault you? How can we heal the shattered pieces of your heart?
For these reasons above…
I am here to humanize you and your plight in the eyes of others. I am declaring that the dehumanization of the vaccine injured is a human rights crisis that our government is ignoring. For this reason, I am documenting your journey and allowing a mother’s raw emotions and the staggering reality of your (Cody’s) medical bills to leave a bad taste in the mouths of those who have abandoned you and abandoned the others who are injured.
This is inhumane, un-American, and unconstitutional, as spelled out below.
Son, today, I asked you if I could share some personal things about you so others could get to know the exceptional young man that you are. You aren’t a grifter or lazy. You are significantly injured, and you have a name and a family that loves you.
Your favorite color is forest green, and your favorite car is a 73 split-bumper Camaro. In fact, any early 1970s muscle car catches your eye on the street, and each time you see one, you always say, “Hey, mom, what car is that?” You have done this since you were three. I became an expert on vintage cars and off-roading… for the love of my boys; for you!
The places you have longed to see in person are Kyoto, Japan, and the cathedrals of Prague. You have never been able to travel because when you were little, your brother’s medical expenses were far too great, and then I fell ill with my autoimmune disorders. But, if things go your way and you do find a level of healing, I know the first thing you will do is travel. This is why Victor’s parents took you to the Japanese Garden, so you had hope for this dream.
We have had adventures, though. We explored your hometown, with its mountains, coastline, and nearby desert. We used to snow sled every winter and get hot cocoa in a small cabin near the lake. This is one of our favorite collective memories. You also can’t forget when we visited the Grand Canyon on the train. You were the funniest kid, taking it upon yourself to “arrest” the staged “train robbers.” You were fearless and thought they were real. You melted everyone’s heart.
When we moved from the West Coast to the East Coast, we had the opportunity to travel across the country slowly; of course, we brought a parrot, a pony, and a dog with us (almost 2500 miles). When we settled in, you fell in love with the historic Castillo and shoreline in the town you grew up in here in Florida, but your mind and your reading have taken you much further than we ever could.
Your favorite pet (furry family member) of all time is your cat, Calcifer, named after a character in one of your favorite films (Howel’s Moving Castle). You are a kid at heart who loves Studio Ghibli films, and you have read more books than most librarians. You long to be a fiction writer and to teach English Literature.
Today, you told me your favorite memory together was when we made Halloween costumes.
I love that you told me this. No matter how hard things were and how hectic life could be, we made the most elaborate Halloween costumes together, even the year that I got a concussion and was hospitalized from a car accident on Halloween morning. I still transformed you into “R” from Warm Bodies, the movie.
Being autistic, you always loved getting into costumes; you “grew wings” and were fearless in a costume. Assuring that you had these memories was a priority for me and for your dad. We also learned that you were pretty good at making props and are a talented artist. This also brought about your love of thrifting and finding things to upcycle. You fix broken things… including your mom’s heart.
I love you with all that I am and I can’t believe this has been your fate. I would do anything to turn the clock back and see you run again! I am so broken by what was done to you. At the same time… I am forged by fire and emerge stronger with each fall. I learned this from you.
People should also know that you are also a kind and loving brother, and your brother is kind and loving to you. A mother can’t wish for anything more.
You stop to feed stray cats and will even spend your coffee money to do so. If the rest of the world knew you they would stop to look at your medical case, to help you. They would see that you are a kind, quirky young man with a huge heart who has had a tough life but who has been strong and that your medical file tells a story the world should learn about.
But more than this… your rights should be foremost in the minds and hearts of all who learn about you, because if this can be done to you, it can be done to their son.

You aren’t a “nobody” who can be thrown away.
The other vaccine injured who are in your same situation are also not worthless; they are entitled to their human rights and constitutional rights, and you have stood up for them, testifying about your experiences. You didn’t do something reckless, and they did not do something reckless; you did what you thought was the right thing to do. As your government asked you to do.
Again, I wrote this letter to you for others to learn about some of what you are experiencing, and what others who are injured after their COVID shots are experiencing.
The world should know who you are, and they should learn about your plight. In your case, you are receiving sub-standard health care as we can’t afford all your care. The tiny little place we bought to make sure you had a place to lay your head while you struggled for life is crumbling, literally crumbling, and we are stuck due to the cost of medical care.
Like a detainee, you are mostly confined to a tiny living space as we only have a tiny living space, with little ability to go outside (as you can only walk a limited number of feet), and your food choices are limited as we have to decide between medication for you or food. You can’t work or make a living. Many, but not all, of your freedoms were lost when you fell ill after your COVID shots.
The world should know that if you take a vaccine, your life can be destroyed and that there is no help for you from the government or the vaccine manufacturers. You are denied your constitutional right to a trial and more.

Isn’t this part of the reason why many Americans demanded the release of the Guantanamo prisoners? Wasn’t it in question whether the detainees were denied habeas corpus or due process? The Supreme Court’s last words on their grievances, “We assume without deciding that the Due Process Clause applies,” Robert L. Wilkins, an Obama administration appointee, wrote for the court. These were not even US citizens. Cody, your constitutional rights have been violated in this way and others which will be revealed. Why would those who seek justice and civil rights demand the rights of the Guantanamo detainees and not your rights, Cody?
Cody, your suffering is immense; you may die from it, and I promise to you that your suffering will not be in vain. I will spend my last breath seeking legal justice for you and the other COVID-19 vaccine injured and deceased.
Dear reader…
Each side of the political aisle should care about the denial of constitutional rights for those injured by vaccines and work together, as there are elements of constitutional violations beyond what is written here. Will you wait until your son, your daughter, your spouse, or you are personally injured before you stand up for the rights of the vaccine-injured? If it can be done to my son, it can be done to your son.
This, too, was a concern for humanitarians and rights activists surrounding the treatment of Guantanamo detainees. Legal minds asked and challenged,
If we could deny the Guantanamo detainees due process, what would be allowable when our soldiers are captured abroad?
Can those governments also deny our soldiers due process?”
Would you allow this? Would you allow our soldiers to be captured in war, likely injured, and have no entitlement to due process?
Now, if I ask again, “Is it OK that Cody takes a shot that he was asked to take by his government, and then when he falls ill, he is abandoned by his government, receives no medical care and no due process as the government gave the vaccine manufactures immunity via the PREP act?”
Yes? Then it is OK if your son suffers the same, no medical care provisions and no due process.
No? Then where are the congressmen, the mainstream press, citizens’ rights groups, and angry masses?
Why are the vaccine injured attacked, allowing corporations to profit from the blood of our children, literally?
Why would corporations be supported and protected over our children?
Sometimes, a new perspective is needed to see what has been missed.
Recently, I watched a documentary on the 9/11 tragedy, which included coverage of the Guantanamo Detainees. When the human rights organizations started questioning the legality of the Detainee’s lack of due process, the military called upon U.S. legal counsel to represent them. In the end, the Detainees had more rights, more representation, and concern than our own vaccine-injured U.S. citizens, even terminally ill citizens. Again, this is un-American that the vaccine injured are abandoned by their people and their government.
It is said that the vaccine-injured citizen's constitutional rights are violated as they are denied due process via the PREP act, which gives the vaccine makers immunity from claims against them and prevents tort claims, etc. I contend that vaccine-injured citizens are also denied redress.
We have now seen a strong response from Human Rights, Civil Rights, and Constitutional Rights attorneys and groups seeking due process for U.S. prisoners and the Guantanamo Detainees, but I see no such compassion or action from these groups to help the vaccine-injured.
Currently, here at home in the U.S., during the pandemic, our own brothers, sisters, sons, daughters, law enforcement, teachers, nurses, and neighbors are losing every possession and dignity they have to pay for injuries from a vaccine that their government asked them to take. The same government gave the vaccine manufacturers immunity from liability but gave the injured no recourse (and no way to voice concerns).
Am I watching my son die slowly over the past two and a half years in front of my eyes, and he has no recourse? Or will he live a life of blood clotting and strokes with fewer and fewer abilities? What about the treatments he could have had but we could not afford? Could he have a better quality of life if the government or vaccine manufacturers cared for those who are injured by the COVID shots? If the public, the media, the lawmakers, and Congress continue to remain quiet about this issue and pretend that the largest vaccine campaign in the history of the world did not have a significant statistical number of vaccine injuries if help for those who are ill is withheld. Sadly, the cycle will continue, and Cody’s fate will be the fate of their sons as well.
That being said, I will leave with Cody’s favorite quote… “Everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking that it is stupid. ~Albert Einstein~
I might add that some fish are over the idea of climbing the tree. Perhaps those who are looking for the fish in the tree are missing the fish amongst them who are worth learning from.
Please see my article on law makers to contact about this human rights issue:
About the author: Many may know me from my SubStack, media appearances, or testimony. I am the mother of Cody Hudson, who has a published medical case study and was significantly vaccine-injured at age 21. My research on the COVID-19 vaccine LNP has been published and is used in investigations into the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. I write to bring awareness to these issues as I care for Cody. Please consider contributing to support my work or to help with his medical and educational expenses. Thank you.
The writer is not a doctor, and even though guest writers may be medical professionals, the information in this document and this publication is not a substitution for personal or individual medical care, treatment, medical advice, or diagnosis. Always contact your own medical care provider for individual care and consultation. This document does not diagnose medical conditions, treat illnesses, or prescribe medicine or drugs. Any information contained in this document, related links, or attachments is not a substitute for seeking adequate medical care, diagnosis, and/or treatment from your own medical doctor.
Special thanks for the kindness of Dr. Tess Lawrie, Five Times August, Angela, Michelle U, Michelle P, Claire, Elizabeth, David H. Lorri, Dian, Joni, Sue, Mary H., Brenda B., Nanette, Jan and Cindy, Steve Kirsch, Margaret Anna Alice, Ann Forti, Henrietta, Adelio, Ed, Nick C., John B., Katie Z., Kim B and Kim W., Brook, Gloria, Dr. Jim, Kevin and Kevin, Kyle, Jim M., Dr. Mel, Dr. Brines, Dr. David, the other Dr. David Canada and the other Dr. David Florida, Dr. Cartland, Dr. Vaughn, Dr. Dan, Dr. Micael, Dr. Janci, Dr. Mc Millan, Dr. Pain, Mike D and Mike M. Lindsay, Linsey and Lindsey, Eric, Drew, Allan and Allen, Jess, Bri, Sonia E., Adam, Martha, Karen, Julie and Julia, Danielle, Ernest, Jeff J, Jeff C, RFK Jr., Stop College Mandates, React-19, VSRF, Moms for America and many more who are just as kind, and loved for their care of you, Cody, and their strength for all the injured, lost and bereaved. Thank you all. Please know even if we are quiet and introverted at times, and if we have not said so before, know that we appreciate you.
Oh, Heather … oh, Cody—my heart aches for you both and the rest of your family as you endure this living nightmare. I am enraged at what has been done to Cody and so many other innocent victims but also awed at how the two of you have risen to this life-threatening challenge with so much dogged resilience, courage, and love 💞
You are two of the bravest, kindest, most sensitive souls I know, and I feel honored by your friendship and correspondence. It is small comfort, I know, but I hope discovering kindred lovers of books, cats, and words has helped lift both of your spirits.
You are a family of survivors. You guys have a history of triumphing over adversity, and your resourcefulness knows no bounds. Know that you are in my heart as you summon your strength for the battle of your lives.
Warm hugs and love to you both 🤗
P.S. The GiveSendGo link in your post redirects to their homepage. I hope you can update the link in the post ASAP so people can support you easily. Here is the correct one:
Dr Sabine Hazan has found through testing the jabbed that most of the injured have zero Bifidobacteria. As Cody has Autism and children with autism typically have an unbalanced microbiome, it might be worthwhile contacting Dr Hazan. It sounds simple but many doctors believe that all disease begins in the gut. Dr Hazan’s website is All the best to you. I wish I could help more.