A raw, pointed, emotional journal documenting the slow decline of my son, left with terminal illness after his COVID-19 vaccine -and his abandonment by our government. He is one of countless others.
Oh, Heather … oh, Cody—my heart aches for you both and the rest of your family as you endure this living nightmare. I am enraged at what has been done to Cody and so many other innocent victims but also awed at how the two of you have risen to this life-threatening challenge with so much dogged resilience, courage, and love 💞
You are two of the bravest, kindest, most sensitive souls I know, and I feel honored by your friendship and correspondence. It is small comfort, I know, but I hope discovering kindred lovers of books, cats, and words has helped lift both of your spirits.
You are a family of survivors. You guys have a history of triumphing over adversity, and your resourcefulness knows no bounds. Know that you are in my heart as you summon your strength for the battle of your lives.
Warm hugs and love to you both 🤗
P.S. The GiveSendGo link in your post redirects to their homepage. I hope you can update the link in the post ASAP so people can support you easily. Here is the correct one:
Dr Sabine Hazan has found through testing the jabbed that most of the injured have zero Bifidobacteria. As Cody has Autism and children with autism typically have an unbalanced microbiome, it might be worthwhile contacting Dr Hazan. It sounds simple but many doctors believe that all disease begins in the gut. Dr Hazan’s website is https://progenabiome.com/. All the best to you. I wish I could help more.
Oh Heather...I couldn't even get through without tears and holding back my anger. There are no words to describe how I feel other than sheer love for you, Cody, and the rest of your family. Thank you for your courage that goes beyond anything I have seen coming out of Washington DC, our regulators, the media, and the healthcare system. The "safe & effective" lie is up and it's time we right the injustice for your family and countless of others who live every day with this. They can not, and should not, be abandoned on the battlefield.
You are seriously one of the bravest, smartest, and kind people I have met over my years of "accidental advocacy." I said it the first time we met...don't mess with mama bears like you.
You are more than a survivor. You are a resilient thriver. And so is Cody.
The recent intervention by the government in a court case to say the government has no responsibility to protect the people from harm or death from vaccines is tantamount to saying the pharmaceutical companies are free to experiment on people with no liability and therefore are given a free pass to violate the Nuremberg Code. Does everyone understand?
I am a 71 year old grandmother who refuses to be silent about what has been done. I was in a prayer group with a few ladies until I was told not to mention the covid vaccines and the harms they are doing because I was making the poor ladies uncomfortable. I no longer attend because I refuse to live in their Pollyanna world. We need to be uncomfortable about what has been done to innocent people like Cody!! Through persistence in talking about it, I have found some allies in my church and I have created a handout with some website links for people to check out. I am leaving these handouts in public places. I gave one to a young father as I was telling him that I suspect his seminary professor's glioblastoma was caused by the covid shots, as he got a covid booster and flu shot not long before being diagnosed. The young man asked, "Has his doctor said that?" I laughed at the idea that his doctor would admit that. Our government officials need to act, but I have little hope that they will. We need more people of integrity who have the courage to do the right thing. I am so sorry Cody is experiencing this. I am sorry that he has been abandoned by friends and family members. I will continue to do what I can to open people's eyes.
"If you wonder what you would have been doing during the Holocaust . . . you're doing it now." Carolyn Blakeman, https://chbmp.org/
"An unimaginably dystopian nightmare all around us… while society seemingly carries on as normal." Dr. Pierre Kory
Dearest Heather - please know that you, and Cody and your family are constantly in my prayers. I am glad that Margaret Anna was able to put the correct link for donations in her comment. God bless you.
Heather, this breaks my heart. I am so sorry that you've been struggling and I've been quiet. Your journey will be honored and I pray it is on this side of eternity. You are brave and selfless. We see you and love you! Thank you for this painful sharing of your sons journey.
It is time to make every State Medical Board, every State Pharmacy Board, Every Physician and every Pharmacist, every Hospital Administrator, Every Director of Nurses, every Hospital Board Member who pushed the deadly Covid-19 "vaccine", completely disgorge their criminal gotten gains, even if it was just a "salary" and surrender to either the local Law Enforcement authorities or to the White Hat military and face their punishment like a human being.
To those mentioned above and others, you know who you are, you will one day stand at the Judgement Bar of God. Your ill gotten gains won't save you, your high position won't save you, neither will the degrees behind your name. You have a choice; repent and make restitution to those you have harmed and save your soul or do nothing and face the condemnation of God.
Perhaps it is time to have Nuremberg 2.0 trials with the above mentioned people as the defendants?
You would not be able to use the excuse; "I was just following orders."
To Cody, his mom and the many others who were harmed by the C-19 "vaccines" either as victims of that fraud or as parents or spouses of the victims; "May God hold you in His arms of love and may He comfort you each day. You are not forgotten. God sees each sparrow that falls and you are of much more value that a sparrow. God has the hairs of your head numbered and if he cares that much about you He knows those who are His own and if you do not survive your damage here and now, He will raise you up when He comes again, the second time and you will never have to suffer again!
God bless and it is tremendous what you have endured. I sadly know the caring for a loved one but I hope that you can find someone outside the Allopathic System as it is not designed for good health.
Reach out to Dr. Tom Cowan as he is the first Doctor to call out these criminals. Please go outside the system that did this to him for help as there can be no help from those who do not understand what they do is not medicine but madness. The doctors are not evil nor are they bad people but they are using a system that was designed to make money not help people get well.
Chasing symptoms is not the solution. Find someone that is a BioTerrain Medicine professional please.
Oh you brave mother. I feel for you. If I had money I would support you financially. I send you so much love. I can't believe what you have been through.
Dear Heather. I am absolutely heart broken 💔 after reading this journey Cody and your whole family have gone through and still are going through. I am sitting in the other end of the world ( Denmark) and I will do my best to spread your story across many borders. I know that won't change the here and now situation for Cody. But these people need to be held accountable for their actions, and we need help to every single one, who is injured after these, injections. And justice for every one of them, and the once who have lost their lives on behalf of some very corrupted Politicians, across and all over the world. Reading Cory's story, made me heart broken, Furious and even more determined.! It's up to us, the people to stop this insanity. So be assured we are people from all over the world doing our best to expose these ...( I don't have a suitable name for them). And the difference between them and us, are......we are driven by kindness, empathy and love for our fellow human beings. So WE WILL make an impact, and WE WILL put an end to all this. Unfortunately it takes time, but we are further than we have ever been....and we are waking up more and more people. The best of love ❤️ to Cody, and every one of you in the family.
Sincerely kate. ( and from my 2 🐈 🐈 Oliver & Felix , the biggest hug to Cody. 😻😻)
Cody's dad and I have been fighting for Cody's life this last week, and it has been emotional. I read your response right away, but it took until today to respond. Cody had his two specialist appointments (Brain and Stroke Hospital) and the new Rheumatologist. On the 2nd of April, the Brain and Stroke Hospital sent him home with what they believed was an active blood clot in his heart and a current stroke in his frontal lobe. They requested new scans and referred him to rheumatology for care. That's it. He has failed every treatment so far, and they say they have nothing to offer him.
The new rheumatologist we saw on the 9th had a different take. He immediately started working to get the approval for Rituximab. We have just now finished sending all the required paperwork and will see if he can get approved for the hopefully life-saving medication.
Also, one of Cody's amazing aunties with the VSRF has found a new (highly recommended) neurologist for Cody, and we have sent off all of that paperwork to get him started in that practice.
With these accomplishments, I felt I could now catch up and give some hope to those who have reached out in support and kindness. It has been one week and two days since the devastating news on the 2nd. But, somehow --Cody bounces back... we don't know how-- even with a massive stroke, he gets up, walks with a cane, and gets back to reading his books.
He was very sick, hardly able to walk, and struggling for breath from March 29th to April 7th or 8th, when I could see him making a turn around... again. Still with a fatal blood clotting disorder but the will of a Lion.
He, of course, has his kitten companions 😻😻 at his side, and his aunties call regularly.
Thank you for your kindness and your response, but mostly for caring about Cody and others. You are right about the difference between them and us. And, WE WILL make an impact, and WE WILL put an end to the chaos that was allowed to seep into our society during the "pandemic."
Cody must have a very strong soul, and an iron will. 🩵 I hope he is still in progress and that you have been able to get the live saving medication. And then i hope that this new neurologist can help make a difference.
People i know have been very moved by reading Cody's story.
I am glad that you have such good people surrounding you who all makes efforts to help Cody. This is a part of humanity they cant eradicate.....in fact, it has grown, an we have all become more aware of that bond that is binding us all together in this world.
Heather...I am heartbroken & angry at the same time. Your story made me cry, but after blowing my nose and wiping my eyes, I snapped out of it when I saw how strong and determined you are...and have been for such a long time. I hope you get the help you need (I realize the gov't won't provide it) with the givesendgo fund and others who can give much more than I can. If you haven't contacted them yet, please go to the FLCCC Alliance website (flccc.net) & contact Dr. Pierre Kory. He has his own clinic where he's treating "long covid" and vaccine injured patients. Maybe he and the FLCCC can help you...it's worth a try anyway. If you're in FL, you might try contacting Dr. Joseph Mercola to see if he can help -- if he can't, I know he has a lot of connections in the natural health world. I do hope & pray that the new drug works & that someone or something miraculously appears & is the answer to your prayers. You all have suffered long enough.
How this government has failed its citizens! No one to turn to but our Creator and ourselves. Thank you for sharing this most personal and painful journey.
I read every last word. My heart goes out to you. This is a tragedy of immense proportions. I can only pray God helps you all and brings justice to those criminals who orchestrated this pandemic. You are supernaturally brave and courageous- all of you. May God’s spirit continue to lift you up. Fierce mama, hang in there. Cody is a very special young man .
My advice to you is: off all source of radiation at home. From when they put 5g mobile phones, modems radiation is abnormal. Government not protect you from radiation. I research this topic because I live near mobile phone tower. Order someone who measure radiation in your home and remove all source of radiation. I believe that will be your son better. I will be thanksful if you send a not if something change when you off all of this staff with radiation.
Oh, Heather … oh, Cody—my heart aches for you both and the rest of your family as you endure this living nightmare. I am enraged at what has been done to Cody and so many other innocent victims but also awed at how the two of you have risen to this life-threatening challenge with so much dogged resilience, courage, and love 💞
You are two of the bravest, kindest, most sensitive souls I know, and I feel honored by your friendship and correspondence. It is small comfort, I know, but I hope discovering kindred lovers of books, cats, and words has helped lift both of your spirits.
You are a family of survivors. You guys have a history of triumphing over adversity, and your resourcefulness knows no bounds. Know that you are in my heart as you summon your strength for the battle of your lives.
Warm hugs and love to you both 🤗
P.S. The GiveSendGo link in your post redirects to their homepage. I hope you can update the link in the post ASAP so people can support you easily. Here is the correct one:
Dr Sabine Hazan has found through testing the jabbed that most of the injured have zero Bifidobacteria. As Cody has Autism and children with autism typically have an unbalanced microbiome, it might be worthwhile contacting Dr Hazan. It sounds simple but many doctors believe that all disease begins in the gut. Dr Hazan’s website is https://progenabiome.com/. All the best to you. I wish I could help more.
Oh Heather...I couldn't even get through without tears and holding back my anger. There are no words to describe how I feel other than sheer love for you, Cody, and the rest of your family. Thank you for your courage that goes beyond anything I have seen coming out of Washington DC, our regulators, the media, and the healthcare system. The "safe & effective" lie is up and it's time we right the injustice for your family and countless of others who live every day with this. They can not, and should not, be abandoned on the battlefield.
You are seriously one of the bravest, smartest, and kind people I have met over my years of "accidental advocacy." I said it the first time we met...don't mess with mama bears like you.
You are more than a survivor. You are a resilient thriver. And so is Cody.
The recent intervention by the government in a court case to say the government has no responsibility to protect the people from harm or death from vaccines is tantamount to saying the pharmaceutical companies are free to experiment on people with no liability and therefore are given a free pass to violate the Nuremberg Code. Does everyone understand?
I am a 71 year old grandmother who refuses to be silent about what has been done. I was in a prayer group with a few ladies until I was told not to mention the covid vaccines and the harms they are doing because I was making the poor ladies uncomfortable. I no longer attend because I refuse to live in their Pollyanna world. We need to be uncomfortable about what has been done to innocent people like Cody!! Through persistence in talking about it, I have found some allies in my church and I have created a handout with some website links for people to check out. I am leaving these handouts in public places. I gave one to a young father as I was telling him that I suspect his seminary professor's glioblastoma was caused by the covid shots, as he got a covid booster and flu shot not long before being diagnosed. The young man asked, "Has his doctor said that?" I laughed at the idea that his doctor would admit that. Our government officials need to act, but I have little hope that they will. We need more people of integrity who have the courage to do the right thing. I am so sorry Cody is experiencing this. I am sorry that he has been abandoned by friends and family members. I will continue to do what I can to open people's eyes.
"If you wonder what you would have been doing during the Holocaust . . . you're doing it now." Carolyn Blakeman, https://chbmp.org/
"An unimaginably dystopian nightmare all around us… while society seemingly carries on as normal." Dr. Pierre Kory
Dearest Heather - please know that you, and Cody and your family are constantly in my prayers. I am glad that Margaret Anna was able to put the correct link for donations in her comment. God bless you.
Heather, this breaks my heart. I am so sorry that you've been struggling and I've been quiet. Your journey will be honored and I pray it is on this side of eternity. You are brave and selfless. We see you and love you! Thank you for this painful sharing of your sons journey.
It is time to make every State Medical Board, every State Pharmacy Board, Every Physician and every Pharmacist, every Hospital Administrator, Every Director of Nurses, every Hospital Board Member who pushed the deadly Covid-19 "vaccine", completely disgorge their criminal gotten gains, even if it was just a "salary" and surrender to either the local Law Enforcement authorities or to the White Hat military and face their punishment like a human being.
To those mentioned above and others, you know who you are, you will one day stand at the Judgement Bar of God. Your ill gotten gains won't save you, your high position won't save you, neither will the degrees behind your name. You have a choice; repent and make restitution to those you have harmed and save your soul or do nothing and face the condemnation of God.
Perhaps it is time to have Nuremberg 2.0 trials with the above mentioned people as the defendants?
You would not be able to use the excuse; "I was just following orders."
To Cody, his mom and the many others who were harmed by the C-19 "vaccines" either as victims of that fraud or as parents or spouses of the victims; "May God hold you in His arms of love and may He comfort you each day. You are not forgotten. God sees each sparrow that falls and you are of much more value that a sparrow. God has the hairs of your head numbered and if he cares that much about you He knows those who are His own and if you do not survive your damage here and now, He will raise you up when He comes again, the second time and you will never have to suffer again!
God bless and it is tremendous what you have endured. I sadly know the caring for a loved one but I hope that you can find someone outside the Allopathic System as it is not designed for good health.
Reach out to Dr. Tom Cowan as he is the first Doctor to call out these criminals. Please go outside the system that did this to him for help as there can be no help from those who do not understand what they do is not medicine but madness. The doctors are not evil nor are they bad people but they are using a system that was designed to make money not help people get well.
Chasing symptoms is not the solution. Find someone that is a BioTerrain Medicine professional please.
Oh you brave mother. I feel for you. If I had money I would support you financially. I send you so much love. I can't believe what you have been through.
Dear Heather. I am absolutely heart broken 💔 after reading this journey Cody and your whole family have gone through and still are going through. I am sitting in the other end of the world ( Denmark) and I will do my best to spread your story across many borders. I know that won't change the here and now situation for Cody. But these people need to be held accountable for their actions, and we need help to every single one, who is injured after these, injections. And justice for every one of them, and the once who have lost their lives on behalf of some very corrupted Politicians, across and all over the world. Reading Cory's story, made me heart broken, Furious and even more determined.! It's up to us, the people to stop this insanity. So be assured we are people from all over the world doing our best to expose these ...( I don't have a suitable name for them). And the difference between them and us, are......we are driven by kindness, empathy and love for our fellow human beings. So WE WILL make an impact, and WE WILL put an end to all this. Unfortunately it takes time, but we are further than we have ever been....and we are waking up more and more people. The best of love ❤️ to Cody, and every one of you in the family.
Sincerely kate. ( and from my 2 🐈 🐈 Oliver & Felix , the biggest hug to Cody. 😻😻)
Hi Kate,
Cody's dad and I have been fighting for Cody's life this last week, and it has been emotional. I read your response right away, but it took until today to respond. Cody had his two specialist appointments (Brain and Stroke Hospital) and the new Rheumatologist. On the 2nd of April, the Brain and Stroke Hospital sent him home with what they believed was an active blood clot in his heart and a current stroke in his frontal lobe. They requested new scans and referred him to rheumatology for care. That's it. He has failed every treatment so far, and they say they have nothing to offer him.
The new rheumatologist we saw on the 9th had a different take. He immediately started working to get the approval for Rituximab. We have just now finished sending all the required paperwork and will see if he can get approved for the hopefully life-saving medication.
Also, one of Cody's amazing aunties with the VSRF has found a new (highly recommended) neurologist for Cody, and we have sent off all of that paperwork to get him started in that practice.
With these accomplishments, I felt I could now catch up and give some hope to those who have reached out in support and kindness. It has been one week and two days since the devastating news on the 2nd. But, somehow --Cody bounces back... we don't know how-- even with a massive stroke, he gets up, walks with a cane, and gets back to reading his books.
He was very sick, hardly able to walk, and struggling for breath from March 29th to April 7th or 8th, when I could see him making a turn around... again. Still with a fatal blood clotting disorder but the will of a Lion.
He, of course, has his kitten companions 😻😻 at his side, and his aunties call regularly.
Thank you for your kindness and your response, but mostly for caring about Cody and others. You are right about the difference between them and us. And, WE WILL make an impact, and WE WILL put an end to the chaos that was allowed to seep into our society during the "pandemic."
Again, thank you, and big hugs to you,
Heather ~ Mom to two unstoppable sons ~
Hi Heather
Cody must have a very strong soul, and an iron will. 🩵 I hope he is still in progress and that you have been able to get the live saving medication. And then i hope that this new neurologist can help make a difference.
People i know have been very moved by reading Cody's story.
I am glad that you have such good people surrounding you who all makes efforts to help Cody. This is a part of humanity they cant eradicate.....in fact, it has grown, an we have all become more aware of that bond that is binding us all together in this world.
A wake up call for ourselves. 🩷🩷
Hugs to you all. 🫶
Heather...I am heartbroken & angry at the same time. Your story made me cry, but after blowing my nose and wiping my eyes, I snapped out of it when I saw how strong and determined you are...and have been for such a long time. I hope you get the help you need (I realize the gov't won't provide it) with the givesendgo fund and others who can give much more than I can. If you haven't contacted them yet, please go to the FLCCC Alliance website (flccc.net) & contact Dr. Pierre Kory. He has his own clinic where he's treating "long covid" and vaccine injured patients. Maybe he and the FLCCC can help you...it's worth a try anyway. If you're in FL, you might try contacting Dr. Joseph Mercola to see if he can help -- if he can't, I know he has a lot of connections in the natural health world. I do hope & pray that the new drug works & that someone or something miraculously appears & is the answer to your prayers. You all have suffered long enough.
How this government has failed its citizens! No one to turn to but our Creator and ourselves. Thank you for sharing this most personal and painful journey.
Thank you for reaching out. Everyone on this platform feels less alone when we speak out and connect.
<3 <----- Old school heart for you, Bonnie
<3 Old school heart for you too, dear.
I read every last word. My heart goes out to you. This is a tragedy of immense proportions. I can only pray God helps you all and brings justice to those criminals who orchestrated this pandemic. You are supernaturally brave and courageous- all of you. May God’s spirit continue to lift you up. Fierce mama, hang in there. Cody is a very special young man .
My advice to you is: off all source of radiation at home. From when they put 5g mobile phones, modems radiation is abnormal. Government not protect you from radiation. I research this topic because I live near mobile phone tower. Order someone who measure radiation in your home and remove all source of radiation. I believe that will be your son better. I will be thanksful if you send a not if something change when you off all of this staff with radiation.
Cody and Heather, I pray for you.
So sorry to read the details of Cody's suffering.
You are brave documenting the progression of the AntiPhosphoLipid Syndrome
This might help you and others understand more.