More about Drew Weissman targeting the Lymphatic system.


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Thank you, Geoff! They will not get away with this! Feel free to add some of your related paragraphs here if you wish.

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Thank you too Heather. Here is my report on Lymphadenopathy, updated now and then.


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Thank You for compiling this information.

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So what now? When will these criminals be held accountable? I am so tired of seeing all the evidence and nothing being done. Trying to be patient but if anyone has good news with regard to prosecutions I'd appreciate hearing that. I have known for quite some time now that the entire covid story was BS and the "jab" was criminal. Let's get to the prosecutions.....Please.

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Many times, people involved in lawsuits aren't allowed to talk about the lawsuit.

I will say that Cody, my son, is a plaintiff in the PREP Act case filed in Florida. If the PREP Act is repealed, the injured should be able to file lawsuits if an attorney is willing to file their cases. Cases will be filed, I'm sure, but which cases are provable will be the next big challenge. Godspeed to all who are suffering and have suffered in the last four years.

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Sadly, we didn't even have to dig deep into their research to learn about some of these dangers.

See the following mRNA warnings -- from the developers themselves!! -- buried in a public 2016 article promoting Moderna:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/bf53fa17805f

And to think Katalin Karikó received a Nobel prize for this horrific, deadly, global disaster!

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The bigger question now is what can we do about what is flowing within our bodies.

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Exactly. If not too late. The latest reports are not sounding good. But guess what-Pfizer (creator of cancer & disease) is working on cancer cures!

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Amen. It is an insidious oversight and miscarriage of government subsidies, etc. The blatant conflict of interest must end. Investigations are long overdue!

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It's not the companies which said it stays in the arm, it was the politicians.

Besides, is there proof that classical vaccines stay in the arm?

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They did say safe & effective. They also didn't say that the contaminated DNA is replicating, spreading & attacking the organs of the body & creating fast acting tumors.

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