Thank you so much for sharing your story. My heart breaks for you and your family. I’m so sorry you didn’t receive immediate medical attention. This is not right! Thank you for being a “Mama Bear”. I’d also like to thank you for your extensive research into the lipid nano particles. It makes me realize how much we truly don’t know what is in these vaccines. As one of my vaccine injured friends says all the time: “the government will remove romaine from every grocery store when a few people get tummy sick, and at the same time they won’t pause on the vaccines when someone gets injured”.

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Thank you for writing to me.

Our hearts need kind words like yours, especially now. I genuinely can't thank you enough for taking the time to do so.

I am convinced that enduring this was my what we were somehow sup[posed to do. It brought me to fight as I have never fought before. We have to try to keep the vaccines from going onto the child's routine schedule. Please tweet and retweet all you can about these issues and tweet the substacks. Our bravery will save lives!

I'd like to tweet the part of your response about the lettuce. Is that OK with you?

I'm sharing your kind words with my son and husband.

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Hi. Yes please share my words. This same friend of mine also says something similar about “the lemon law” for cars. Our government will let us return a car and acknowledges their can be a bad batch, but won’t acknowledge bad vaccine batches. I am part of a vaccine injury advocacy group in MN called Team Humanity.

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Yes! Very smart friend! I will use this! Are we following each other on Twitter? I want to give you a shout-out as I tweet this.

Please also share my son's story with your team and I'll share your team's information with all that I speak with.

In the words of Todd Beamer on 9/11 Let's roll!

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I love that-“let’s roll”. My Twitter is

@Maverick11919. I’d like to share my email address with you, too. I have a few media contacts who could share your story. Message me on Twitter so we can share email addresses.

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Hi. Lmk if you have trouble connecting with me on Twitter. If so, let’s connect another way. Also, I believe my fellow Team Humanity member, Lorri, has set up a call with you tomorrow. We would like to push your story! We so appreciate and admire your courage.

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I think you can email me directly through SubStack.

Your Twitter says that you have to approve my following you.

I suppose I am just scrappy. :)

It feels natural to fight for children, no matter the risks.

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Thanks for this. I am so sorry your son, you and your husband had to go through this, but I am glad you found a loving and caring doctor. I agree with you that what the pandemic has done for many of us is opened our eyes and now we have become warriors. I hope and pray you son continues to improve.

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Thank you for such a beautiful comment. Your kindness gives us all strength and courage to keep bringing the truth forward.

We will fight together to be heard far and wide.

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I just joined your Substack.

I am so sorry for what you and your family have endured as a result of these jabs.

I recently sat with three vaccine injured women at an FLCCC conference.

I’m an OBGYN here in Florida and have seen what these jabs do with regards to decreased birth rates, increased miscarriages, abnormal menses, and abnormal Pap smear frequency increases. Also breast cancer rates are up and in younger women; some have recurrences.

Screw amnesty. I say ACCOUNTABILITY!

God Bless!

Kim Biss

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Hi Kim,

Nice to meet you. Thank you for taking the time to write me. Your words have found a solid place in my heart. My son has also taken your words in and is finding healing in the support and empathy of those who understand what he will live with for the rest of his life. Your kindness is powerful.

I have become an activist in this chaotic pandemic era. I simply can't sit by and let this take place around us. I agree with you. We must demand accountability! I talk with Brook Jackson and Kim Witczak, who are readying me for my journey to bring these truths to a broad audience. They are well-versed in demanding accountability. I pray that I speak with wisdom and strength. This battle is far bigger than I am. I have an army of men and women backing me in what I say, but more importantly, we support each other as it is the right thing to do.

I will be on three talk shows this coming week along with Dr. B, and I'm taking your words with me! Countless doctors, activists, pharmacists, parents, teachers, advocates, and more have reached out to show support, and they know that this poisoning of our children and loved ones needs to stop.

I know I don't need to actively argue with the people who ignore the overwhelming number of medical statistics and case studies that show an undeniable vaccine injury epidemic within an epidemic. But I will say that I agree with the following found in my tweet tonight; "We need accountability so that we never institute these policies again." says UC SF's Vinay Prasad, M.D., M.P.H states in the following article from the Children's Heath Defense, https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/covid-pandemic-amnesty-accountability/

I could go on. There is so much to say. I have heard you, and I understand the magnitude of what you see and what critical thinkers and independent thinkers see. Thank you immensely for reaching out to show support in this.

My family became stronger after what was done to us; they strengthened us by fire and did not weaken us. They have, however, stirred a hornet's nest of knowledgeable and determined defenders of human rights, yourself included!

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me anytime. God Bless you as well.


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Those of us who speak out will be on the right side of history.

If you aren’t already get on Steve Kirsch’s Substack. He just paid for two awesome billboards that are very near the CDC.

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Well I just saw you will be on VSRF Thursday!! So ignore the below. Look forward to listening to that.

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I am so sorry that your son, you and your husband have had to endure what to me is inhuman lack of care and outright medical malpractice. My compassionate heart goes out to you all.

Thank you for sharing the terrifying journey which your son, you and your husband have endured. I am certain that your writing will help many who may be in similar desperate situations.

With your permission, I am going to repost this on my Substack and social media. I am also going to share this with my friends at UK Column, especially Debi Evans who is their Nursing Correspondent with the suggestion that they might want to interview you.

This is just one of the interviews UKC have done this past year: "UK Column speaks to UK CV Family, a “friendly UK-based community of individuals that experienced adverse reactions (ADRs) after receiving their Covid-19 vaccines.” https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/adverse-reactions-to-covid-jabs-will-i-wake-up-in-pain-or-will-i-wake-up-at-all

This is also a very good interview well worth listening to in my opinion: "Should children be jabbed? Debi Evans interviews Dr Ros Jones and Dr Christian Buckland" https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/should-children-be-jabbed-debi-evans-interviews-dr-ros-jones-and-dr-christian-buckland

It is critical to get this information out there to as many people around the world as possible.

Thank you again for your, your son's strength and courage. It may well have been an aspect of your soul purpose to endure this so that you could help others. Bless you. 🙏

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Thank you so much for your reply and care for others.

Please excuse my brevity; my son's story is requiring a great deal of response and people reaching out for help.

He is also unwell, so I will be quick.

I will help in any way to get this word out.

Please do share far and wide. I am @Amothersanthem on Twitter. I am new to social media, and my head has been in the books researching for a year, as well as caring for my son.

Our hearts are filled with hope with the love and kindness that you and so many others have shared.

I will be happy to talk to reporters or journalists to help save children and save lives.

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Heather I read your story and could hardly breathe just imagining myself in your situation. I read your piece in parts aloud to my husband who felt the same also. Empathy gives way to continued disbelief at the systemic failures all the way up and down the line and that quickly moves to anger.

Our eldest child is 22 and I know this could’ve just as easily been us. We live in Melbourne, Australia and faced the pandemic under the harshest lockdown conditions which sent me on a new path of “enlightenment” myself. At the start of 2020, my two sons were 19 & 15 and my daughter 12. Navigating them through became a full time occupation. My eldest having had a suspected case of covid very early before testing was available, meant I was seeking information maybe sooner than most here. I had heard of suspected adverse reactions to the vaccine by those who had previously had the virus in the US and I didn’t want my son to be unnecessarily harmed if he already had immunity.

We faced enormous coercive pressure to take shots here by our government and the gas lighting was intense. In order for my husband to continue running his business and for my son to start a new job they had to have one of the three available shots. I could not prevent them so I ended up having them choose the AstraZeneca instead of the mRNA type. I also encouraged (dictated) they have aspirin daily for a month to lessen chances of blood clots as this was a known side effect of this type of medication. Both seem to have faired well enough. I did not ever consider the possibility of an allergic reaction as you have detailed.

The main reason I am leaving comment is just in case you are not familiar with Dr Kelly Victory. I heard her speaking about herself having a PEG allergy also. She has been outspoken about the pressure she defaced to take the shots despite her well established history of being intolerant. I believe Dr Victory appears weekly on a podcast with Dr Drew and from what I’ve seen she is a force to be reckoned with. You probably are aware of Dr Victory but I have only heard her and another girl from Melbourne (when she was speaking with Bret Weinstein on his podcast) who also mentioned her severe allergic reaction to PEG. She may have more information or other contacts to assist.

You must feel ten years older. I feel sadder but wiser. The reaction of family and friends and the community at large here has made me very weary. I realised early on that not everyone was even thinking logically, yet alone scratching the surface to find out anymore.

Now people do not want to know about the injured and the dead despite evidence of both occurring in excess everywhere. I refer to it as they “Bought A Lemon”. People are still clutching their receipts (some of them quite a few) for the lemon they bought and they do not want to hear it’s a lemon. They even defend the sleazy salesman instead of demanding accountability for being put in danger.

While I try to empathise with people, I have found there is often none in return and more often victim blaming occurs and it is pervasive. I can only hope the more evidence is uncovered the more people will come to understand what has really occurred.

Wishing you all the best with your son and family. Sharing your story and publishing what you find is brave. It is also the only option.

From one mum to another mom.

Louise L

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Mahls, hello, and thank you for commenting.

Your words are the kindness that heals this family.

I have taken down Dr. Kelly's information, and I thank you!

I have a super busy week, but I will come back and chat a little more this weekend.


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Thank you for sharing your story. Your son is absolutely beautiful. I also have a 21 year old son (I know yours is older now) plus 3 other boys and 3 girls. Sadly, only one of our kids (the 21 yr old) has refrained from taking the shot -- the youngest kid is 18, so the others did what they did. They haven’t suffered any noticeable injuries or bad effects from these injections, but I am still full of anxiety that they may, one day, experience something awful due to these poisons. Many times, there are no symptoms until later (according to much research I have done).

I will help spread the petition if you need help. I found you via a link shared by a commenter on an article by Dr. Jessica Rose. God bless you and your family.

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Thank you, Samantha.

I want first to say that I appreciate you taking the time to find me and to write to me. We all need to support one another in this challenging time of need and unjust decrees in our country and our world.

I am so happy to hear that your children have not fallen ill. I understand the worry. Many of us have loved ones that are affected or that we have concerns over having the Covid-19 vaccines. I always think we can do something about that, so we don't feel helpless. For me, I pray for them, and I can keep myself informed on how to be the best support and to be a source of resources for my family members that also were vaccinated, in case they should need me in that way. Of course, I hope they never need my help with this. For me, I must be productive to help ease that worry. I think most people are this way. Clearly, you are doing the same, and they are lucky to have your love and care.

On that note, the petition is in the works. I have been called to several media engagements and plan to spend thanksgiving week catching up on some proactive tasks to help get this chaos of the pandemic failures turned around. I would love help with spreading the petition. That is amazing that you offered. I can't tell you how much that means to my son (to whom I showed your response and offer to help).

With every connection like the one that you just made with me, we are one step closer to making a significant change to get our country back to a more unified and peaceful home for us all.

I will reach out here to let you know when it is complete.

Again, thank you, and I will keep your children in my heart and my prayer and my wishes for their safety and health. I genuinely want this for all children subjected to the pressures of this insidious and irresponsible Covid-19 vaccination decree. Together, moms like us and surrogate mama bears will make this change.

Please reach out to me at any time,


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Thank you, Heather. We pray daily for our children (even the ONE out of 7 that remains unvaccinated, of course). We will add your son to our daily list. We are a praying family and have been for years. Rest assured you are loved and being prayed for. Is there any way I could privately get my phone & email to you. I’ve only been on SS a few weeks, so don’t know all the secrets.

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Thank you for the prayers!

Your family is in our prayers as well. We all need each other in this chaotic pandemic era. Find me on Twitter if you are on there. @Amothersanthem, and we can direct message there. If not, there is a way to email me here. Otherwise, I will soon be setting up a chat feature here. It may have to be a feature in my next article, but that should be within a day or so.

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Have you had them detox yet?

Nattokinase, Bromelain, Ivermectin, fasting

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He has had some of the top docs help him in these ways; thank you for caring, kindness, and for reading.

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It´s so heartbreaking what your son and you all have been through. TG he is on his way to recovery and found a great doctor. It is beyond sickening how healthy ppl have been harmed by this vax from hell and then have to fight for getting medical, legal and financial help. Sending ongoing prayers for his full recovery.

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Keep fighting Mom! Very well done and thank you for sharing your story. We need more people to publicly tell their story so we have the evidence we need in this terrible fight.

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A lovely article, informative and to the point. I love it that you will not back down and keep on searching to find the truth behind what happened to your son. I am from the UK and we have the same problems here. Trying to get the right blood tests has taken me months, no medical professionals want to know as soon as I mention a vaccine injury. All of us are left to try and figure this out alone and they hope we will just go away and suffer in silence. Sod that! This has to be stopped before they harm any other children, it's criminal what they have been doing. Keep on fighting for justice and for your son, you are amazing.

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Keeping your son and your family in my thoughts and prayers. I am more than willing to sign your petition. Thank the good Lord you found a doctor willing to help your son. Tragically, they are few and far between.

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We must fight against ALL jabs. All will be mRNA from here on out. It's all a horrible scam. Has been from day 1. Going back to smallpox. All a scam.

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Thank you for showing us that it takes a “mother tiger” to stand up for her beloved child(ren) and share the truth. This article should be posted in mainstream media so the world can see what’s really going on.

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In case this could help.

See: Dr Michael Palmer on the lipid nanoparticles: “a technology designed to poison people”. www.lifesitenews.com/news/covid-mrna-shots-are-a-technology-designed-to-poison-people-canadian-doctor/

Dr. Michael Palmer, a Canadian board-certified doctor, medical microbiologist, and professor of pharmacology and toxicology at the University of Waterloo, briefly explained in a video posted online last month how the mechanisms within the novel mRNA COVID-19 vaccines function. He also articulated why he thinks the experimental injections present a serious and potentially fatal toxicity risk to recipients. ...

“The second component is the lipid nanoparticles,” the doctor continued. “These lipids, fat-like molecules, they encase the messenger RNA and they serve two purposes. One is to protect the messenger RNA while it is in transport and secondly also to help it enter the body cells.”

According to Palmer, the issue that arises from this is that one of the components of these lipid nanoparticles, the “cationic” or “electrically positively charged lipid,” is “known to be quite toxic” as a “general property.”

As a result, once these toxic lipids enter the cell, “they tend to disrupt the mitochondrial respiration, the cell respiration,” which is a process that humans need “for producing energy.” Palmer states that if this process is disrupted, the oxygen from respiration is not properly “reduced to water” but instead is reduced to “reactive oxygen species” that can “react with anything,” including “our DNA” in a way that inflicts “damage.”

Even worse, Palmer elaborates that the result of this mechanism is the same result radiation treatments for cancer patients produce, which he says means there are strict limits on how much the human body can withstand before dying.

“With radiation there is a … total lifetime dose limit that you can survive,” Palmer outlined. “What that means is the total lifetime dose of these messenger RNA vaccines that you can tolerate before you die is limited. We don’t know the exact amount because there [is] simply not enough experimental data.”




24. Given that the labels for Comirnaty and BioNtech clearly state that the vaccination should not be given to individuals that are allergic to ingredients. I have noted that one of the primary ingredients of the Lipid Nanoparticle delivery system is “ALC 1035” (two attachments, parts highlighted) in the Pfizer shots. The forth attachment is the toxicity report on ALC-1035, which comprises between 30-50% of the total ingredients.3 The Safety Data Sheet, (attached as Exhibit B) for this primary ingredient states that it is Category 2 under the OSHA HCS regulations (21 CFR 1910) and includes several concerning warnings, including but not limited to:

1. Seek medical attention if it comes into contact with your skin; 2. If inhaled and If breathing is difficult, give cardiopulmonary resuscitation 3. Evacuate if there is an environmental spill 4. the chemical, physical, and toxicological properties have not been completely investigated 5. Caution: Product has not been fully validated for medical applications. For research use only

25. Other journals and scientific papers also denote that this particular ingredient has never been used in humans before.4 To be abundantly clear, one of the listed primary ingredients of these injectables is Polyethylene glycol (“PEG”) which is a derivative of ethylene oxide. Polyethylene Glycol is the active ingredient in antifreeze. While it is hard to believe this is a key ingredient in these vaccines, it would explain the increased cardiovascular risk to users of the BioNTech or Comirnaty shots. I cannot discern what form of alchemy Pfizer and the FDA have discovered that would make antifreeze into a healthful cure to the human body. Others seem to agree my point per recent scientific studies that caused a group of 57 doctors and scientists to call for an immediate halt to the vaccination program.5 In short, this antifreeze ingredient is being studied for the first time in human injectables. According to the VAERS data, which admittedly underreports by as much as 100 times the actual SAE’s, there are well more than 600,000 documented Serious Adverse Events (ones requiring medical attention) alone and more than 13,000 fatalities directly linked to this particular vaccine. I cannot understand how this vaccine remains on the list of available options to treat Covid, when there are so many other non-deadly or injurious options available.

26. As such, I believe it is reasonable to conclude that many humans are allergic to these dangerous and deadly toxins and therefore should not take vaccinations with either Comirnaty or BioNtech. Again, I have identified an agent that possess a significant hazard to Soldiers, which would fall under DA Pam 385-61 Toxic Safety Standards cited in 2-11.

27. My assessment is that ALC 0315 is a known toxin with little study, specifically restricted to “research only“ and effectively has no prior use history, with the SDS designation of (GHS02), listed as H315 and H319, in other words, hazardous if inhaled, ingested or in contact with skin and a health hazard with the designation (P313). A review of the SDS outlines that it is not for human or veterinary use,

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You are a warrior Mom. Much respect and Love! Very happy your son is healing and prayers for your family. It makes me so angry because this was not necessary. It was a bad flu- nothing more. The greed of many during the last few years opened many eyes!!

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Here is an anthem. Do watch.. it's amazing inspiration.

Joydah Mae. 'Hands Off Our Children'.


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I warned every authority about the PEG issue when the shots were entering clinical trials. I did interviews. I wrote articles. I had multiple calls with congressional staffers. No one would help get the word out until I found CHD. Lyn Redwood and Bobby Kennedy understood the science and the dangers. They published articles. Mr Kennedy wrote letters to regulators warning of the dangers. This was all BEFORE the EUA. This story breaks my heart. I did not do enough. I did everything I could think of, but it was not enough. The manufacturers, the regulators, and at least my congressman knew full well about all of these issues before mass vaccination began. They knew the dangers. They knew about CARPA. They knew about the risk of accelerated blood clearance issues. I have an email Trail a mile long of all the officials I warned and pleaded with. They knowingly and willfully caused harm, even death. They mandated these injections knowing these things. They refused to warn people, more, they lied over and over again telling everyone they were safe and effective. Known lies.

Harold Gielow


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