Your case is very moving. I am not affected by vaccine injury ... but I must add to that statement “... that I know of.” Covid and stories like yours have caused me to stop vaccinating my kids and myself. We will no longer participate in that barbaric practice of injecting vials of toxins into soft tissue until there are better studies available to show its ultimate impact to health.

As I reconsider the health of my own family, I wonder if our various allergies, asthma and my own fibromyalgia could be a result of the many vaccinations we have endured over the years. I no longer trust. I am, in fact, homeschooling my youngest child rather than subject him to the shots required for him to attend public school. I am serious when I say “NO MORE”

The injuries others have suffered from the various covid injections are staggering in severity and number, they dwarf the injuries endured from past vaccines, like an absolute tidal wave of pain and suffering. There are not enough laws and procedural harassments to protect the purveyors of this “technology”... though it may take many more years, there will be relief provided by the courts. Defendants may delay delay delay but ultimately there are too many plaintiffs. Once the first cases work their way through the body of the beast, there will be more and more until catastrophic failure of the machine that produces and pushes toxic medical products into innocent people. I wish strength and courage to those at the forefront of this fight!

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Heather - so good to know you are still fighting. Prayers always for you, Cody and your family.

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Love you, Laura! I am not sure I know how to stand down. But, you know this well in your own efforts. Thank you for the continued prayers, support, and love.

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Love you too, dear friend. 😘❤️

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I wish you luck & prayers.

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Thank you, TJ, this means more than you can know.

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